Jay McCabe  |  Sep 01, 2001

Grand Valley
State University
Allendale, Michigan


Jay Abend  |  Sep 01, 2001

Last year I wrote about the need for every photographer, regardless of their ability, to have a current portfolio. In my business as a commercial photographer, a killer portfolio is a necessity. I received a few e-mails inquiring about the...

Ben Clay/Web Photo School  |  Sep 01, 2001

The basics of
portrait photography could fill many large books. We have decided to concentrate
on one application with a few variations on the theme for this lesson.


Joseph A. Dickerson  |  Sep 01, 2001

Maybe you've considered large format. Perhaps you'd like to experience photography as Ansel Adams, Morley Baer, Edward Weston, and other pioneers did. It's a slower, more introspective kind of photography, but if you'd...

John Rettie  |  Sep 01, 2001

For serious photographers the holy grail of digital SLR cameras will be the one that produces images as good as those obtained in a high-end camera using 35mm film. Currently, there's little dispute that digital images obtained...

George Schaub  |  Sep 01, 2001

Photographers have always been fascinated by super wide angle focal lengths. This focal length range, including 20mm, expands peripheral vision beyond the scope of human vision, and does so with a potential depth of field that makes...

The Editors  |  Sep 01, 2001

This year, 2001,
marks the 75th year that F.J. Westcott has been doing business. Known
today as a leader in manufacturing light modification equipment, the company
started out as an umbrella company, wholesaling to dry goodssto...

Tom Fuller  |  Sep 01, 2001

I've been thinking about this month's project for years, but its complexity kept me from presenting it until now. The features of current AF SLR cameras allow the design to be greatly simplified and made practical for the home workshop...

Joe Farace  |  Sep 01, 2001

"The major difference
between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go
wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it
usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair."--Doug...

Maria Piscopo  |  Sep 01, 2001

The biggest
challenge to professional photographers today is the ability to create
images they enjoy making while earning money. By this, I mean profits,
not just sales. The need to get images of value to a client who will pay...
