Jack Hollingsworth  |  Oct 01, 2000

When I'm going to be photographing in another country, whether on an assignment for a client or an assignment for myself to produce stock images, there are three things I'm acutely aware of: my own safety; the need for me to be respectful of cultures...

Robert E. Mayer  |  Oct 01, 2000

Exceptionally small, light, and very solid are the descriptive attributes of this compact camera. It is an example of German precise engineering and design. A throwback to the fully manual operating camera era. The film speed ISO has to be set...

Ben Clay  |  Oct 01, 2000

Until recently,
most small business owners would never have entertained the idea of producing
their own images of their product for advertising purposes. Easy to use
digital cameras, image- editing software, and basic lightingequ...

Rosalind Smith  |  Oct 01, 2000

Imagine this.
You are preparing prints for a highly respected exhibition. It is now
in the fifth consecutive day of rain. You process the prints in your usual
way--everything seems to be going well throughout the entire chemical...

Jay Abend  |  Oct 01, 2000

If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times, photography is all about light: where the light is coming from, how it hits your subject, how you expose your film to capture it, etc. Since my profession involves getting the right kind of light...

Peter K. Burian  |  Oct 01, 2000

As the last days of summer give way to frosty nights and crisp mornings, the world is transformed into a fiery splendor. In most parts of the US and Canada, crimson maples, golden poplars or aspen, and red dogwoods dominate the landscape. This is a...

David B. Brooks  |  Oct 01, 2000

Editor's Note
The prints produced by the Epson 2000P printer are totally different from prints from any previous printer from any maker. Due to magazine reproduction limitations or published representations of these prints can not match...

Dave Howard  |  Oct 01, 2000

Dunco isn't exactly a household word among photographers on the west side of the Atlantic. My first exposure to the brand was at the 1994 photokina show in Ger-many, where I discovered their line of medium format enlargers and adjustable printing easels.

Tom Fuller  |  Oct 01, 2000

Our project
this month is a Perspective Control (PC) lens for 35mm cameras. This optic
is often used by architectural photographers to eliminate the distortion
caused by tilting a camera upward to include the top of a building.Th...
