David B. Brooks  |  Apr 01, 2000

This last year of the century, 1999, saw the emergence of the digital darkroom. Most of the products I reported on during the year included scanners, printers, and digital cameras as well as new versions of image-editing software, all parts of a digital...

Jack Hollingsworth  |  Apr 01, 2000

I'm a landmarks guy. I'm fascinated by their grandeur, and I never get tired of photographing them. No matter how many times I visit Machu Picchu, the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, the Statue of Liberty, or the Great Wall of China, I never lose...

Tom Fuller  |  Apr 01, 2000

It seems the faster digital imaging technology leaps forward, the stronger the rally becomes for traditional cameras and sensitized materials. Regular Shutterbug readers are aware of the new interest in rangefinder 35mm cameras--the last one I owned...

David B. Brooks  |  Apr 01, 2000

Olympus believes they have the digital camera for you in the new C-2500L SLR and have invested heavily in a media blitz on its behalf. The word is out and a lot of people are interested. So, when I received one for a trial I was as eager to see if it is in...

The Web Photo School Staff  |  Apr 01, 2000

Lesson Of The Month

Our objective for this shot was to illustrate how to shoot with a large softbox for the Photoflex product catalog. In this photo shoot we used an inexperienced local model.


George Payne  |  Apr 01, 2000

Besides dropping a lens and
leaky batteries, few other things scare a photographer more than preparing
for April 15th. Without question, taxes are a necessary part of good
government. We all want good roads, schools,and...

Darryl C. Nicholas  |  Apr 01, 2000

Slides and color negatives
can be duplicated using the same techniques. The best way to duplicate
both is to use a computer. Scan the original in using a scanner that
can go to a high resolution (2000-3000dpi or more)an...

Robert E. Mayer  |  Apr 01, 2000


The volume of letters to this column is increasing every month. To be
able to continue to offer this service, we need your cooperation.


Barry Tanenbaum  |  Apr 01, 2000

In what's become an
annual announcement for us, we're happy to pass on news of the
Hasselblad Austrian Super Circuit 2000, this year's edition of
the world's largest salon of photography. Thesalo...
