Monte Zucker  |  Mar 01, 2000

So, you think that the timing still isn't right for you to get into digital? Well, wake up. You're only fooling yourself.


Dave Howard  |  Mar 01, 2000

Most photo hobbyists are justifiably proud of their best images, and look for any excuse or opportunity to show them off. Mounted enlargements and slide shows have been the traditional means of exhibiting a photographer's work, but both involve...

David B. Brooks  |  Mar 01, 2000

Since I've been answering reader's questions for the Digital Help column, one frequent source of interest is a scanner which can work with all sizes of film. Until now I've had to answer that question negatively and advise getting a...

Jay McCabe  |  Mar 01, 2000


Rebecca Gizicki
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan


Joe Farace  |  Mar 01, 2000

Service bureau is a term left over from the bad old days when few people could actually afford to own a computer. Instead, many of us had to take our data--usually in punched card form--to companies who, for a fee, would process the data using their large...

Rick Sammon  |  Mar 01, 2000

Just a few years ago, serious wildlife photographers would not be caught dead without a set of telephoto lenses, camera supports, a selection of medium speed and fast films, polarizing and warming filters, flash with a flash extender, and perhaps a...

Steve Bedell  |  Mar 01, 2000

I have to admit something to you. About five years ago, when it was becoming very evident that digital technology would become increasingly important for the imaging professional, I tried to look the other way. I figured it would be a niche market. If they...

Joe Farace  |  Mar 01, 2000

When deciding to purchase your first digital camera, you're faced with many choices. How To Buy Your First Digital Camera is an educational CD-ROM that's designed to answer many of the initial questions you might have.

The presentation appears to have been...

The Web Photo School Staff  |  Mar 01, 2000

As photography continues to merge with computers, it has become easier to make great pictures. Advances in technology have made it possible for consumers to own high quality digital cameras, to make excellent prints using ink jet printers, and post and...

Jay Abend  |  Mar 01, 2000

This month we close the book on our three part Kiev camera series. If you read Parts 1 and 2, you know that Kiev cameras are made in the Arsenal Factory in Ukraine in the former Soviet Union. Rough-edged cameras reminiscent of old Hasselblad and Pentacon...
