Joe Farace  |  Apr 01, 2000

"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers," Thomas Watson, chairman IBM, 1943

Tom Watson's statement shows that predicting the future of computing is more a matter of...

David B. Brooks  |  Apr 01, 2000

This column will attempt
to provide solutions to problems readers may have getting into and using
digital cameras, scanning, and using digital photographic images with
a computer and different kinds of software. Allques...

Maria Piscopo  |  Apr 01, 2000

The Sandra David project began in 1992 when David Rigg and Sandra Crebbin formed a company for marketing their fine art images in galleries and in print.

David G. Rigg is a former Navy photographer with secondary training as a...

Jay Abend  |  Apr 01, 2000

If you still think of portraits in terms of main light, fill light, and key light, I think you're missing out on some fresh and exciting techniques. While the classic studio portrait is still practiced by lots of amateurs and practically every...

David B. Brooks  |  Apr 01, 2000

The era of beige boxes is over. The contour and coloring of a stealth fighter combined with the design of the outer shell of the new Microtek ArtixScan 4000t signifies a new generation of high-performance personal 35mm scanners. As the century has turned...

Monte Zucker  |  Mar 01, 2000

So, you think that the timing still isn't right for you to get into digital? Well, wake up. You're only fooling yourself.


Dave Howard  |  Mar 01, 2000

Most photo hobbyists are justifiably proud of their best images, and look for any excuse or opportunity to show them off. Mounted enlargements and slide shows have been the traditional means of exhibiting a photographer's work, but both involve...

David B. Brooks  |  Mar 01, 2000

Since I've been answering reader's questions for the Digital Help column, one frequent source of interest is a scanner which can work with all sizes of film. Until now I've had to answer that question negatively and advise getting a...

Jay McCabe  |  Mar 01, 2000


Rebecca Gizicki
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan


Joe Farace  |  Mar 01, 2000

Service bureau is a term left over from the bad old days when few people could actually afford to own a computer. Instead, many of us had to take our data--usually in punched card form--to companies who, for a fee, would process the data using their large...
