Shutterbug Staff  |  Sep 01, 2004

Picture This!

Picture This! - Our Next Assignment

Neon City
O f all the forms of artificial light neon is perhaps the most exciting and creative.

Robert E. Mayer  |  Sep 01, 2004

Variable Voltage Compact Power Pack & Sophisticated New Qflash
The Quantum Turbo Compact rechargeable power pack automatically adjusts the output voltage to suit different cameras or flash units by simply changing the connecting cable. It uses long-lived Nickel Metal...

Shutterbug Staff  |  Sep 01, 2004

We welcome your comments on articles, photo and digital events, feedback on how we're doing, constructive criticism, and friendly advice. We reserve the right to edit for brevity and to paraphrase longer comments if necessary. You can send us letters by US mail at Editor, News & Notes...

Howard Millard  |  Sep 01, 2004

Say the words "color management" and some digital photographers and printers break into a sweat. Others swear that what they don't know can't hurt them. But most believe that taking control of color management is essential to a...

Howard Millard  |  Sep 01, 2004

It was the swinging `60s, I was in college, and many wore a rainbow of tie-dyed colors. What had been "normal" was being challenged on every front, and that included photography. The bulging, startling...

Monte Zucker  |  Sep 01, 2004

Keeping It Simple
In this first picture you see some of my most used props. A posing stool and table, a silver/black Westcott reflector, and a Westcott black/white
fold-out background panel. I use the "Monte/ALM Posing...

Peter K. Burian  |  Sep 01, 2004

Whether you shoot with a digital camera or scan photographs, printing can be one of the most rewarding aspects of photography. In the past, you needed a darkroom and a great deal of expertise to make beautiful color or black...

Frances E. Schultz  |  Sep 01, 2004

If you enjoy black and white photography you might question whether you need a traditional darkroom at all. Maybe you would be happier shooting black and white with a digital camera, and printing digitally. But many...

Peter K. Burian  |  Sep 01, 2004

Until recently, all of Kodak's professional color print films were marketed under the Portra logo, understandable because portrait and wedding photographers make up the primary market for such products. That changed earlier this year, when the company...

Dave Howard  |  Sep 01, 2004

For readers who are unfamiliar with the Holga camera, a bit of background is in order, lest you wonder why I would bother to review a $100 enlarger, with its inevitable compromises.

The plastic-lensed Holga, and its glass-lensed sibling, the Woca, are...
