Every photokina it seems that fewer and fewer companies show new darkroom products. Unlike film, where technology is constantly advancing, darkroom technology is more static. The basic design of the photographic enlarger hasn't changed much since the earliest days...
Although digital equipment received most of the attention at the photokina show, over 80 percent of North American households still own and use at least one conventional camera. Granted, the demand for new...
Jay Abend | Dec 01, 2002 | First Published: Sep 01, 2002
When Quantum, the well-known innovators and manufacturers of workhorse Turbo battery packs and robust Quantum Qflash portable strobe equipment, announced that they were introducing a wireless...
We're not suggesting that you head outside during a blizzard or hurricane, but be aware that some great photo opportunities can occur when the weather is less than perfect. Don't get into the habit of taking pictures only when the sun's out—many a great image was taken during a clearing storm...
If I were to mention every pouch and bag for digital cameras, I could fill the next three issues of Shutterbug, and I must admit that after a while they all blend together. Only a few stand out in my mind, and they tend to be the really well made leather pouches or bags.
When Adobe Photoshop Elements was first released I was very favorable to what it would do for the digital darkroom user, and found very few weaknesses. Considering that the price of Elements Version...
In the past, we have always found at least a half dozen new SLR cameras at the photokina trade show. That has changed, at least for now, as most manufacturers devote their R&D resources to digital equipment. During my five days of touring the many...
It's back—our annual collection of ideas to keep you and your camera happily occupied for hours.
1. Don't Go Anywhere Without It!
It's a photographic truism that you can't get the picture if you don't have a camera. How many times have you missed out on a great shot—or at least, a nice record of something...