Trying To Be Your Best; “The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Invent It.” Page 2

Photoshop Actions Of The Month
Here are some Actions from new and old friends: Panos Efstathiadis ( must be feeling nostalgic. His Old Paper Actions apply realistic aging effects to color photos, allowing you to make images look as if they were printed in a newspaper a long, long time ago. Sketch Effects is a set of Photoshop Actions designed to give your images a nostalgic, old-fashioned sketch look. The set uses a number of tools to produce four different effects: Soft Lines on Canvas; Strong Lines; Strong Lines on Canvas; and High Contrast on Canvas. Old Paper costs $7.99 and Sketch Effects is $9.99.

Old Paper Actions

Action Central ( is a wonderful source of free and inexpensive Photoshop Actions, including Dave Jaseck's IR Action v.2. Like all Actions, all of these will work with both Mac OS and Windows computers.

Windows On Mac?

The joke goes like this: Question: What do you call a Macintosh with an Intel chip? Answer: A PC. Now it's official. After denying that private sector hacks work, Apple Computer released a public beta version of Boot Camp, its own software that lets the Microsoft Windows XP operating system run on Intel-based Macs. The software, which will be included with Mac OS X 10.5 a.k.a. Leopard, is available for download now on Apple's website ( macosx/bootcamp).