Talking Pictures
“Morning Ritual”

Wandering around at sunrise in my new neighborhood, I came upon this wonderful pier with three men fishing. The sunrise, which silhouetted the fishermen, was behind the island of Sister Keys. The haze and colors are just as they were that early morning. I loved the symmetry of the men and the pier and their reflections in the water—they were not posed. Thinking how great it would be if they fished together regularly, I titled this photo “Morning Ritual.” Months later I ran a small notice in our local newspaper trying to find the fishermen. To my delight, I was able to meet them and learned that it was truly their Thursday morning ritual for many years. I gave them each a print to document that moment and their very special ritual.
—Mary Lou Johnson
Longboat Key, FL

Technical Info: Photo taken with a Nikon D100. The frame was cut so the pier would extend the invitation to come into the image.
© 2010, Mary Lou Johnson, All Rights Reserved

Please Read This
The premise of “Talking Pictures” is that every picture has a story. We invite you to send quality prints (only) and a short narrative on why you took the picture or how, in retrospect, it brings up thoughts and feelings about the subject.

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