Please comment briefly on an NR workflow you have found effective.

Please comment briefly on an NR workflow you have found effective.
Let the camera handle NR at its default setting.
88% (602 votes)
Keep the NR setting OFF, and handle NR later.
8% (55 votes)
Always use NR at HIGH or LOW setting, depending on the subject, scene and lighting conditions.
4% (30 votes)
Total votes: 687

Dean Burns's picture

Some times you have to do the creativity the old fashion way and make up for what you could not get in the intial shot.

David's picture

I don't want camera manufacturers making these decisions for me. Having the ability to use noise reduction in camera when I want to use it makes more sense. If this can't be done then I don't want noise reduction in camera at all.

Mark's picture

I ONLY shoot in RAW, where NR is part of the RAW-image software that you use (some RAW-image editors are MUCH BETTER at noise-reduction and image CLARITY than others). I however, do benefit from the camera's long-exposure NR as that's part of two images, one being a reference which cancels-out a lot-of long-exposure noise.

Allen's picture

I believe that the only time that you should have a low noise reduction is when you want a great clean photograph as any photographer has their own preferance. If you decide to raise the noise it should apply to either texture or what you see fit for your image. I also believe that you should be able to control noise as a option. Thanks

A.M.D.A.'s picture

Hi, My camera is a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ7, the in-camera noise reduction function cannot be turned off, just set to high, low or standard. I usually remove noise in Corel Paint Shop Pro 9 because there is more control on how much noise reduction to apply.

Mike 's picture

Use Noiseware Pro afterwards.

Mark Campbell's picture

I use Bibble Pro and their built in Noise Ninja slider when processing my raw's most effcetive and fast.

Shane's picture

I keep it off in camera and handle it later with lightroom ,(if I even handle it at all), I like noise, its part of my art.

Doug's picture

I believe dealing with the NR issue during photo capture will lessen the effort and time afterwards. It's all about workflow and time/effort expenditure. This frees you up to concentrate on other issues.I believe in taking advantage of technical resources.After all, technology only serves to enhance our lives, not to make them nore difficult.

Felipe Henao's picture

Nik software dfine 2.0 is fantastic incamera noise reduction is not effective.

Peter Ferst's picture

NR is the antithesis of sharpness of image so you have to decide which one you want most. Areas for NR/sharpness can be selected by say masking selectively within an image in the post shoot processing-this way you have total control. I think most cases this is what you would want. Also many plug-in noise reducers have better algothirims than the in- camera software.

Tom Barker's picture

I like to see the NR as I process the image in Photoshop.

Stephanie Klee's picture

I use Imagenomic and it does a great job!

L.  MacIntosh's picture

One less thing to worry about later.

Benjamin King's picture

We use lightroom for noise-reduction.

Kristi Howson's picture

The image should not be under-exposed. Lightroom's noise reduction in addition to using the sharpen mask near 100% is effective if the image is not underexposed. (Using Canon 40D.)

Eleanore Hilferty's picture

Presently, I am using the Noiseware Professional plugin in Photoshop. I often have to shoot at ISO 3200, and it works fine.

Russ Lewis's picture

Depends on the shutter speed. Long exposure noise reduction in- camera is very useful because of the way the camera does it. On normal exposures though, using Noiseware with Photoshop is much better than trying to let the camera do it.

Doug Wigton's picture

For maximum detail in the negative (RAW) image, you should keep all noise reduction (outside of the non-changeable tiny amount that is done in camera)off. Algorithms for noise reduction such as Noise Ninja that are run on the computer are far more flexible and accurate than that run in the camera.

Dan Hedgpeth's picture

I'm a Photoshop CS3 user, and its native app, plus 3rd party Ninja Noise, etc. all do better than in-camera apps.

Seb's picture

I am still unsure what is the best since dealing with noise after taking the photo can be a pain but at the same time you have complete control which is not the case with the other option.

Kenneth H.'s picture

I packed away all my usual lens and bought new Canon IS lens. As you gently age anything can shake you.

Marvin Pfeiffer's picture

I always handle noise reduction in Photoshop rather than as a camera function. This gives me a lot more flexibility and I believe better results when I do need it. I shoot RAW and handle most of my noise reduction in ACR by adjusting the Luminance Smoothing (and sometimes the Color Noise Reduction) slider when I convert my files. If that doesn't solve the problem I resort to my Noise Ninja plugin which takes care of the rest.

Tom's picture

For most shots, I run with the low seting as I use ISO 100-400.

Michael Eichwald's picture

I depend on Noise Ninja as a PS3 plug-in.

Trey Paul Cash's picture

I do it in photoshop where I can adjust it how I like. Also, sometimes I just like the look of noise, so I keep it.

Phil's picture

If noise reduction did not affect photo quality and decrease sharpness, then in camera might be ok.

Jim Young's picture

Nik D'Fine 2.0 works well if carful with it.

Mark Bailey's picture

I use both high sensitivity and long exposure times often. The excellent NR in my D300 is a primary reason for choosing this camera over others. I usually shoot RAW, so I can always adjust NR after the fact in Nikon Capture NX2.

Robert W.  Howington's picture

I don't worry about noise while shooting. I have Nikon digital SLRs and their excellent digital darkroom software, Capture NX, has an outstanding noise reduction tool. I use it on almost every photo I take, as I prefer a smooth look to my photographs. And, using NX's high pass sharpening tool, I don't lose any sharpness or detail.
