The Pantone hueyPRO; Color Management Made Simple Page 2

Once measurements are complete, you see a screen that lets you flip between the calibrated and uncalibrated settings (#4 and #5). The differences are likely to be major and it's easy to see that the huey colors are much more neutral in tone than the uncalibrated display settings.



The next change from the standard huey software is the Settings screen. Where huey only allowed you to select the type of work you did, such as graphic arts or photography, the PRO software lets you set color temperature and gamma separately. By default the color temperature will be D65, which is a neutral white. You can select D50 for a warmer tone, or D75 for a cooler white, but unless you have specific reasons to do so, I suggest staying with D65. Gamma choices are 1.8, 2.2, and 2.4. Long-time Mac users will be familiar with gamma 1.8, which was the default for the Macintosh. For digital imaging, a gamma of 2.2 is suggested, and if you're using an LCD display, this is normally the default already selected. Windows users have long had gamma 2.2 as the default standard.

The final choice to make is whether you want hueyPRO to automatically adjust your display for changes in lighting conditions. This works by leaving huey plugged into your USB port and setting in its stand. Every few minutes the huey will flash the lights on the front of the device and check your room lighting. If a change is detected, the software will automatically adjust the luminance, or brightness, of your screen to compensate for the change. It's important to note that huey is only adjusting the brightness of your display and not the color balance. For significant changes in your environment I'd recommend running a full calibration and creating a new profile for your system.

New to the PRO model is the ability to calibrate multiple displays. Where the original huey could only calibrate a single display on your system, the PRO version handles dual displays with ease. The LCD calibration routines have also been enhanced, giving laptop and flat panel users better shadow and highlight detail than the previous version offered.

Another feature that some will find useful is the ability to change your color temperature and gamma settings on the fly through the huey Preferences control (#6). Here you can also control the frequency of ambient light checks (or turn it on and off altogether), as well as how often the software will remind you to recalibrate your display.


Although the entire process is simple and very easy, Pantone has extensive online help available at all times. In the help system you'll also find links to more information, such as availability of updates to the software.

Pantone took a good product and made some important changes with the hueyPRO. The original version is still available, but I recommend the PRO model for the higher quality profiles and multiple monitor support. Current huey owners can upgrade for about $40.

There are other options available, such as the ColorVision Spyder line-up and the X-Rite Eye-One Display, but it's hard to beat the hueyPRO for ease of use and features. This is my standard monitor calibration solution when traveling with a laptop, as I find myself frequently working in different lighting conditions. I certainly appreciate the tiny size of the device.

The bottom line is that if you're considering monitor calibration devices (and you should be if you are at all serious about your image quality), then the hueyPRO should be high on your list of options.

For more information, contact Pantone, Inc., 590 Commerce Blvd., Carlstadt, NJ 07072; (866) 726-8663;

Jon Canfield is the author of several books on digital photography and printing, and teaches workshops on printing and color management. You can reach Canfield through his website at: