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Richard A. Formato
Lagoon Monster, 11-11-2011
Nikon D5000 with Nikkor AF-S G DX 17-55mm 1:2.8 Lens @ 50mm (75mm in 35mm equiv), f/2.8, ISO 450, 1/60 shutter.
Minor adjustments in Picasa and Capture NX2.
Swim, anyone? But... who knows what lurks beneath the inky waves? Perhaps the Creature from the Black Lagoon's nemsis, the GIANT MUTANT CRAB! Rumor has it that this wicked beast can cut a person in half with its huge, razor-sharp claw! And, never any remains! Yes, no question, this is far beyond just "Going Bump in the Night!"
(1 vote)

Lagoon Monster
Photographer: Richard Formato
cemvltd | Jun 14, 2018
Views: 45
Dimensions: 2816x2251
Size: 3856kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Things That Go Bump in the Night