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Richard A. Formato
A Witch Prowls, 10-31-2014
Nikon D610 with AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.4G lens @ f/1.4, ISO 800, 1/100 shutter.
Minor adjustments in Picasa and Capture NX2.
Accompanying the grandkids on Hallowe'en Trick-or-Treat one encounters truly strange "Things That Go Bump in the Night," like this witch, invisible to the naked eye, revealed only by its shadow - or maybe by going "bump...!"
(2 votes)

A Witch Prowls
Photographer: Richard Formato
cemvltd | Jun 14, 2018
Views: 45
Dimensions: 1389x1861
Size: 1757kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Things That Go Bump in the Night