Instagram Photographer Hot.Kenobi Uses Action Figures to Create a Humorous, Surreal Universe

Japanese Instagram photographer hot.kenobi has earned almost 47,000 followers who take pleasure and a bit of escapism in the humorous, surreal images he creates from action figures. His alternate universe conveys an explosive sense of movement, with a healthy dose of humor thrown in for good measure.


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The Osaka-based hot.kenobi uses figurines like Spiderman, Captain America, Batman and others to create his delightful compositions that often include familiar objects like beer cans, cell phones, an even a distant cityscape.


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The popular hot.kenobi not only manages to convey surprise and humor in his images, but some pretty good photography skills. His photos often employ some curious special effects as well.


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Whether his subjects are engaged in an epic battle, single-handedly destroying a beverage can, or humorously posing with an everyday object, there always seems to be a storyline going on that creates both empathy and familiarity with the characters.


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You can see more of hot.kenobi’s hijinks on his Instagram page, and don’t forget to follow us on Instagram at @ShutterbugPix where we’re sharing our favorite photos from our followers.


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Of course photography with action figures isn’t exactly a new concept, and we invite you read our interview with another like-minded photographer who uses action figures to create some very comical scenes. And be sure to check out our earlier story about a U.S. Marine who creates composites with action figures, and another photographer who employs comic book and Star Wars figures to create humorous fantasies.

Via Bored Panda