A Valiant Struggle

Walking along the boardwalk at the Wakodahatchee Wetlands in Delray Beach, Florida, I was taking pictures of birds when I heard a thunderous roar emerging from under the boardwalk. I also heard a huge splash and people screaming. I knew without looking that an alligator had emerged from hiding and grabbed something in the water. Looking into the water I saw the alligator with a turtle in its mouth. My emotions elevated into help mode and my impulse was to grab a stick and hit the beast in an effort to free the turtle that was attempting to escape but caught on the alligator’s huge teeth. I also realized the alligator could severely injure or even kill me.

Instinctively I raised my camera and started shooting. The poor turtle was valiantly attempting escape but the alligator clamped down on the turtle, held it underwater, and swam to a distant shore. The turtle evidently remained alive as evidenced by the alligator’s heavy splashing, and then all ceased. Everything happened in seconds. The pictures from that day speak for themselves; my emotions enter overload when I view them.
—Dennis Gershwin
Lake Worth, FL

Technical Info: Photo was taken with a Nikon D300 and an 80-400mm lens at 80mm. Exposure was f/7.1 at 1/160 sec and ISO 320.
© D Gershwin

Please Read This
The premise of “Talking Pictures” is that every picture has a story. We invite you to send quality prints (only) and a short narrative on why you took the picture or how, in retrospect, it brings up thoughts and feelings about the subject.

We do not return submissions. By sending us an image and text you grant us permission to publish it in this magazine and on our website. If you have any questions, please e-mail us at: editorial@shutterbug.com.

Send submissions to: Talking Pictures, Shutterbug, 1415 Chaffee Dr., Suite #10, Titusville, FL 32780.

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