Briefly comment on your solution to dealing with dust on your DSLR sensor.

Briefly comment on your solution to dealing with dust on your DSLR sensor.
No I have not noticed it, yet.
75% (69 votes)
Yes, and it’s a pain in the neck.
17% (16 votes)
Yes, but I have developed a successful strategy to deal with it.
8% (7 votes)
Total votes: 92

John T.  Marsh's picture

I use 3 Olympus DSLRs none of which show any signs of dust. Also use converted Nikon DSLRS for IR and not change lenses much and no problem either.

Edward A.  Marcus's picture

I use Arctic Butterfly.

Ken R.'s picture

I've used cans of compressed air, which are very effective. But the slightest move can result in a residue that becomes a bigger issue to clean. Now I use a blower bulb, but that's not very effective.

Henry Heerschap's picture

Use a Rocket blower regularly, followed by the occasional use of the "copperhill" method of pec-pads and eclipse fluid. Also use a Sensor-Klear pen when on the road.

Martin's picture

In 15 months of owning the camera (Rebel XT) I have never found dust. Have tested several times, including a week ago. 1. I expect little or no dust because it sems to me that the sensor is pretty much protected by the mirror. 2. When changing lenses I protect the camera form wind as much as possible.

James's picture

Dust on the sensor? Piece of cake to take care of. Dust in the lens? That really stinks.

Harold Muhrlein's picture

A sensor brush handles the problem. I live in a high humidty area and have little dust problems.

Randy Ennis's picture

The price of dust-free images is eternal vigilance. I have a strategy of checking for dust on a monthly basis if I haven't seen evidence of dust, and I clean the sensor each time (there's always dust on the sensor).

J.  Michael Jordan's picture

Had to clean my D70 once in a while. I think my D200 is better about dust than the D70 was. Cleaning your sensor is just part of DSLRs.

Bob Brinker's picture

It's not been an issue with my Olympus E-300 as it is designed to shake the dust off of the sensor every time the camera is turned on.

Kelly's picture

I have tried several times to use a bulb blower to remove the dust with no success. I just sent my camera off to Canon yesterday to have it cleaned. I can't stand it anymore.

Bob Sachs's picture

Cameras need to be sealed better, regardless of cost. There is no reason a camera comes from a manufacturer full of dust, and that includes the viewfinder too.

Arthur Banks's picture

I've purchased a sensor scope from Delkin Devices to help with the problem. Do you have another solution?

Bob Murray's picture

I'm very careful when I change the lens.

J.  Carlson's picture

Clean with sensor swaps and eclipse when spots get real bad!

Charlie C.'s picture

Have had Olympus E500 for a year and a half and have yet to have a dust problem.

John Gettis's picture

I have a Olympus e-500 and dust is not a major problem.

Ed T.'s picture

I use the system from Delkin to remove the specs when they become too annoying. Works like a charm!

Roger B Galburt's picture

Always turn power off when changing lens. Hold camera body facing down for gravitational assistance. Clean sensor only when it becomes an issue using commercial sensor cleaner

Adrian Davis's picture

I have the Rebel Xti and 2 lenses which I change often. I have not seen one speck of dust in 6 months.

Ron's picture

I managed to move it around a couple of times before I eliminated it although it's probably lurking in there somewhere and will be back.

Moses's picture

So far, one year with the Sony A100 and none!

Brian Sutherland's picture

I have an Olympus E-330 and an older E-1. I have seen no sensor dust, nor do I expect to. The SSWF is all it's advertised to be; just one of many reasons I went with Olympus SLRs over Nikon or Canon.

Ellen Champion's picture

Even after professional cleaning, some remains, especially in 'smooth' photos with little detail.

Dennis Walton's picture

I have a Canon EOS 5D. The larger sensor seems to attract more dust than my older 20D. I found the problem much greater on a recent trip to Indonesia than on a previous one to Tibet. Maybe the tropical heat and humidity make things worse - especially the contrast between air conditioned hotels, cars and the outside. I do a lot of on-the-go sensor cleaning while traveling.

Mike Pickles's picture

I am very careful when changing my lens. I wipe lens and camera with a swiffer, making sure the camera is turned off.

Stuart Williams 's picture

I've given up with cleaning and have resorted to just being the best dust spot remover on the planet because of all the timely practice.

Rob Misanchuk's picture

I have owned the Olympus E500 since it came out and haven't had a problem yet.

Al Johnson's picture

I chose the Canon Rebel XTi over other manufacturers because of the auto sensor cleaning.

Lee F.'s picture

I clean the sensor regularly.
