Briefly comment on your experiences, pro and con, with tripods.

Briefly comment on your experiences, pro and con, with tripods.
I use a tripod when I can and my results show it.
73% (74 votes)
I consider a tripod a bother, and rarely if ever use one.
12% (12 votes)
I would use a tripod more if I could find the right weight and model to use.
15% (15 votes)
Total votes: 101

Casey S.'s picture

It makes you slow down and take more time to see and be more and more selective each time you back up and then look again.'s picture

Most shooting is done with a tripod.

Ron Klupka's picture

I use one about 90% of the time. It is a great help in framing and certainly in the studio to keep the shot framed when you need to go back and adjust a portrait sitter's tie or hair, etc.

James Valentino's picture

We own many tripods and use them often. You often cannot get maximum sharpness from your lens without a tripod.

J.  B.'s picture

The best invention, next to digital cameras, still remains the tripod. Use it all the time.

Rick Flegel's picture

Tripod use is a must for my photography!

Brian's picture

Can I assume we mean monopods as well?! If so, then I use one as often as practical.

I.  F.  Bell's picture

I use a tripod for somethings, but I love my monopod for majority of my work, for the flexability and stability especially with the ball head.

Jim Markle's picture

I feel that a tripod does more than steady my camera; it compels me to focus on lighting, composition and other attributes that contribute to my visual statement.

Wendy Stevenson's picture

A must in macro and still life photography!

Dan's picture

My tripod is too heavy for the camera I now use. I need a lighter one which is stable and long lasting.

Justin's picture

I mostly shoot while I am out visiting places of interest, which usually means I am walking around. Carrying a tripod with me is just not practical in these situations.

Curt Christianssen's picture

I've never regretted choosing to shoot with my tripod, and I can't count the times I regretted choosing to leave the tripod at home!

Ed T.'s picture

I do like the results of using a tripod -- however, they are somewhat cumbersome to set up, especially when the subject is at an awkward position relative to the shooter. They can also be somewhat cumbersome to carry around, and tend to attract unwanted attention from authorities.

Daniel J.  Vandeberg's picture

I use a tripod when low light conditions require a long exposure & an absolutely steady aim.

Cathy's picture

Actually, both the 2nd and 3rd answers fit me. It is a bother because it's so heavy. I'm finding I really should use it more, my results are not great (fuzzy), but especially when hiking steep, narrow trails it's just not practical. I know they make lighter models but they cost a fortune!

C.  Kenneth Elliott's picture

Using my tripod allows me to think a little more about the shot and the prespective I'm shooting it.

Peter Bradin's picture

I carry a tripod all the time when doing nature photography & a monopod when doing sports. It really helps with long, heavy pro lenses.

Simon Knight's picture

I use a monopod a lot.

John Mazarak's picture

It's a pain to use a tripod, but the results are worth it. Travelling with a tripod - especially by air - is very awkward. Lighter, more compact ones tend to be unsteady.

Brian Davis's picture

Nothing contributes more to your compositional skills and image accuracy than a solid tripod with precision head.

Steve Lantz's picture

I have three tripods and am looking at a fourth. I go nowhere without a camera and at least a monopod in the truck.

John's picture

I use a tripod in almost every situation. If you need one for large format,you need to consider the small size of 35mm format if you want really shape prints.

Monroe Payne's picture

When crispness of image is paramount, a tripod is necessary. That means, most of the time.

Kolby Hopkins's picture

I have used a tripod in outdoor conditions where I do multiple shots with a similer background. More often then not I would say tripods are a bother but they can be handy in certain situations.

Jenni McMillion's picture

I shoot mainly children and animals. I get better results from my hand held digital. When you're capturing a child's most precious moments, it won't happen in a still photograph. You have to be fast and ready for anything.

Sam J.  Modica's picture

As with all cameras and Digitals with higher pixels holding the camera still is essential one never knows when you will want to enlarge a shot in the future. Many potential great shots have been missed because of blurred images. I have several Pentax cameras LX and istDS and find that to ensure I get the best that the camera is capable of, steady is the name of the game.

Gail E.  Oldershaw's picture

I take actions shots and prefer to use a tripod for my shots though it can be restrictive for following some action sequences.

Ed Engel's picture

Weight,compactness and just plain lazy somtimes are the reasons for not using the tripod all the time. There are also situations (when you most definitely would like to use it)were a tripod is not allowed. I use a monopod, still the tripod would be the better choice. The technical results are always far superior to my hand held photos. Prior to utilizing digital capture I would switch back and forth between slide film and negative film. With respect to the subject photographed, when I required a bit more latitude in the film and the end result was to be a print I would use negative film over slides. I found printing negatives a bit more controllable than slides. I now find that I am using the flash more often to help control the contrast when the final result is going to be a print. The DSLR has a built in flash but after a few sessions I realized I did not like the limited success I had using it. I opted for purchasing the camera manufacturers flash unit which I now use along with a flash bracket so I am now able to have a lot more control of the light direction and output out in the field.

C.  M.'s picture

I use a tripod, but I use a monopod more, and image stabalized lenses for a lot of the rest.
