Wildlife Photography How To

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Lynne Eodice  |  Jul 01, 2003  | 

All photos by Chris Ameruoso unless otherwise indicated


By the end of 1998, Chris Ameruoso found himself at a major crossroad. As someone who had spent most of his youth performing in a family rock band, he had moved to Los Angeles about 10 years previously "with a dream of music." Then suddenly he switched gears, and found his calling shooting portraits of...

Lynne Eodice  |  Oct 01, 2000  |  First Published: Sep 01, 2000  | 





Photographing wildlife presents special challenges, especially if you own a compact camera. You may not have the powerful lenses that professionals use, but you can still do nicely with a moderate telephoto setting on your point-and-shoot camera, if it has one. As with household pets, wild animals...
