Photoshop How To

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Henry Anderson  |  Mar 02, 2020  | 

Mango Street has been sharing a great series of free Lightroom tutorials on their YouTube channel and their latest video explains how to use the crucial HSL panel. Watch it below where Daniel Inskeep of Mango Street "breaks down the HSL panel and Lightroom and how to use it to achieve the look you want."

Shutterbug Staff  |  Feb 13, 2020  | 

If you want to draw people into your landscape photos, there's an easy way to do that. Make your images look like something you'd see in the movies.

Dan Havlik  |  Jan 24, 2020  | 

Not all photographers can afford fancy "hair and makeup" people to make sure their models are free of blemishes for the next photo shoot. And, even if you have the best makeup person on the planet, sometimes blemishes shine through in portraits. (It's amazing what high-resolution digital cameras can capture in an image these days; sometimes a lot of unwanted stuff, when it comes to portraits.)

Ron Leach  |  Jan 23, 2020  | 

It doesn’t take an experienced photographer to realize that uninspiring city scenes by day are often transformed into spectacular cityscapes once the sun drops below the horizon. What does require expertise, however, is an understanding of how to properly capture everything you see through the viewfinder at night.

Henry Anderson  |  Jan 22, 2020  | 

As the great Ansel Adams once said: "You don't take a photograph, you make it." But what makes a dramatic landscape photo? There are, of course, lots of things but photographer Mark Denney zeros in on one specific effect that can make or break a shot.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 22, 2020  | 

The bane of outdoor photographers is that it’s not always possible to be in the right place at the right time. So what do you do when you come across a nice scene during harsh, midday sun? One option, of course, is to return later. But if that’s not possible, the following tutorial will help you edit those lifeless photos and really make them sing.

Henry Anderson  |  Jan 09, 2020  | 

Do you ruin your landscape photos after you shoot them? Yes, Photoshop and Lightroom are both a blessing and a curse and overediting, under editing, or simply poorly editing photos on your computer can destroy a perfectly good image.

Henry Anderson  |  Dec 26, 2019  | 

If you want to punch up your landscape photos in Photoshop, the best way to enhance them is to draw out elements that are already there, not try to create something entirely new. (We’ve all seen landscapes that are so heavily edited in Photoshop they look like scenes from another world. HDR effects can be a blessing and a curse.)

Henry Anderson  |  Dec 09, 2019  | 

There are many ways to sharpen your images and reduce noise using Lightroom but some are better than others. In fact, some sharpening and noise reduction methods in Lightroom can actually degrade image quality.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Dec 05, 2019  | 

Beginner portrait photographers should check out the below tutorial from Bach Photography.  Titled "How to Instantly Improve Your Natural Light Portrait Photography," it's a great starting point for anyone wanting to shoot beautiful portraits using only natural light.

Henry Anderson  |  Dec 04, 2019  | 

There are lots of ways to sharpen your images in Lightroom but do you know the best methods? In the below video, photographer Mark Denney shares what he says are the "five best ways to sharpen your landscape photos in Lightroom."

Henry Anderson  |  Nov 25, 2019  | 

Photographer Jamie Windsor always has a few hidden Photoshop and Lightroom tricks up his sleeve. Or, rather, Photoshop and Lightroom always have their hidden tricks; it’s people like Windsor who know these programs so well, they can tell you about these sometimes-overlooked hacks.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Nov 13, 2019  | 

It took landscape photographer Mark Denney a while to get comfortable editing his photos using dodging and burning techniques. He admits that when he was a beginner, dodging and burning was something he often heard about, but always assumed was too complicated for him to try.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Nov 08, 2019  | 

In the simple portrait editing how-to below, PiXimperfect's Unmesh Dinda shares "a powerful trick to get perfect skin tones with just one button in Photoshop."

Shutterbug Staff  |  Nov 01, 2019  | 

We've said it before, we'll say it again: Adobe's Lightroom is incredibly powerful imaging software but also complicated and easy to make mistakes. In the below video from software guru Anthony Morganti, he shows you the top three things people do wrong in Lightroom and then explains how to fix them.
