Lorin R. Robinson

Lorin R. Robinson  |  Oct 25, 2013  |  First Published: Sep 01, 2013

He stands in about 3 feet of roiling surf, wetsuit jersey glistening from repeated dunkings. The sky above Oahu’s North Shore is deep blue. Undertow currents grasp his legs—eroding sand beneath his swim fins—as water rushes seaward to build the next huge wave. He holds his bulky waterproof camera housing tightly, faces west toward the setting sun and checks the long tether attached to his wrist. He turns his head to watch the wave rise ever higher—a towering blue-green monster that’s starting to curl, white spume blowing off its top. He braces himself as best he can against the forces raging around him, points the camera toward the golden Hawaiian sunset, and waits as tons of water begins to curl over him, forming a tube. At what he hopes is the right instant, he fires off several shots and prepares to be pounded and rag-dolled by the massive wave.

Lorin R. Robinson  |  Feb 06, 2013  |  First Published: Jan 01, 2013

The Ojibways, inhabitants of the Lake Superior Region for some five centuries, had a name for tribal bands that lived on the south and north shores of the lake they called Keche Gumme. They were called Keche-gumme-wi-ne-wug—Men of the Great Water. If there is one non-Native American who deserves to be an honorary member of those lake dwellers, it’s nature photographer Craig Blacklock.

Lorin R. Robinson  |  Jun 14, 2012  |  First Published: May 01, 2012
The United States Postal Service (USPS) will release a sheet of 15 “Earthscape” stamps in 2012 celebrating the beauty of the country from “sea to shining sea.” The images, using photographic platforms from ultralites to satellites, focus on natural, agricultural, and urban landscapes from virtually every region. Release is tentatively scheduled for October, 2012, in conjunction with National Stamp Collecting Month.
Lorin R. Robinson  |  Jul 01, 2002

What do Harry Houdini, bats, Duke Kahanamoku, teddy bears, and the Masters of American Photography have in common? All will be honored this year with special philatelic releases by the United States Postal Service (USPS). The photo masters release, first in a new USPS series called the Classic...
