Roger W. Hicks

Roger W. Hicks  |  Dec 01, 2002

Rangefinder, Large Format & Speciality Cameras

Bob Shell was covering medium format cameras and high-end digital; Peter Burian got 35mm SLRs and point-and-shoots; Joe Farace had other digital cameras. And I was the one who got lucky, with rangefinder cameras, large format, and Weird Stuff.

Roger W. Hicks  |  Nov 01, 2002

Beware: heresy is about to be spoken. It is that you might care to take one of the most sublimely constructed and complex of all mechanical cameras, and butcher it.

The sacrificial victim is a Linhof Technika 70, which entered production (as far as I know) in the early 1960s: certainly...

Roger W. Hicks  |  Oct 01, 2002

Few people realize that photographic spot meters date back some 2/3 of a century. The very first was built by Arthur Dalladay, editor of The British Journal of Photography, in about 1935; he described it in the BJP Almanac of 1937 on pages 127-138. This meter still exists, in the possession of a...

Roger W. Hicks  |  Aug 01, 2002

Nikon's brief reintroduction of the rangefinder S3 in a "millennium commemorative" edition prompted the issue of three Voigtlander lenses in Nikon fit: the 21mm f/4, 25mm f/4, and 35mm f/2.5.

Roger W. Hicks  |  Jun 01, 2002  |  First Published: May 01, 2002

Let's be honest: most photographers, even the most jaundiced and worldly-wise, find it hard to resist a really gorgeous new camera or lens. It makes sense, therefore, to kick off with what was, for me, the camera hit of the show--except that it wasn't officially on display because...

Roger W. Hicks  |  May 01, 2002

Where are alternatives to
on-camera flash. Understanding this is one of the defining moments in
most photographers' progress. Up to a certain point, you just turn on
the flash, or shrug and say, "There isn't enough light." Then, one day--like

Roger W. Hicks  |  May 01, 1999

As regular readers of Shutterbug well know, my main area of interest is large format--which is not, unfortunately, particularly well represented at PMA. My brief was, therefore, also to cover studio equipment; accessories, bags, tripods, and the unusual.

Roger W. Hicks  |  Jan 01, 1998

In the nature of things,
photographers tend to care more about cameras than about accessories.
It's irrational, really, as most of us buy accessories more often
than we buy cameras, but then, who saidt...
