Lens News

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Ron Leach  |  Jun 07, 2022  | 

Iconic photojournalist Robert Capa once said, “If your images are not good enough, you’re not close enough.” That’s why many of us try to shoot as close as possible to our subjects and fill the frame.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 31, 2022  | 

The long awaited and fiercely rumored replacement for the Fujifilm X-H1 has been announced, along with two new Fujinon zoom lenses. The Fujifilm X-H2S is an APS-C format mirrorless camera that features Fujifilm’s all-new 26.16-megapixel X-Trans CMOS 5 HS stacked BSI imaging sensor. The also-new X-Processor 5 empowers enhanced autofocus, 7-stop image stabilization, high-speed burst photography and significantly improved video performance.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 13, 2022  | 

The 27-ounce 90mm f/1.5 manual focus lens from Mitakon Zhongyi Optics is a handful of glass, that’s for sure. We reviewed the Speedmaster on a full-frame Sony mirrorless body and formed some strong opinions. Read on…

Henry Anderson  |  May 05, 2022  | 

When shooting portraits, is it better to use a zoom lens or a prime lens? It's a common question a lot of photographers, particularly those who are just starting out in portraiture, are bound to ask.

Deborah Sandidge  |  Apr 22, 2022  | 

There are three zoom lenses I consider absolutely essential to provide the versatility that travel photography demands: the 14-24mm, 24-70mm, and 70-200mm. It's no exaggeration to say I don’t leave home without them, and if travel is in your plans for the upcoming season, those lenses can play a big part in how well you tell the story of your journey.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Apr 22, 2022  | 

When we reviewed the Tamron 18-300mm f/3.5-6.3 Ultra-Zoom Lens in Sony APS-C mirrorless mount, we were truly impressed that a long-reach zoom that small (< 5 inches) had such outstanding IQ, focused to 5.9 inches and cost less than $700. But I must confess that all the while, I was eagerly awaiting the Fujifilm X version of this beauty. I finally landed a sample, and here’s what happened.

Vanessa Joy  |  Apr 16, 2022  | 

Being a photo nerd isn’t cheap. Photographers have expensive taste that is never satisfied. So how can you make the most out of your photography budget while still creating great images?

Ron Leach  |  Apr 13, 2022  | 

Outdoor photographers are known for carrying tons of gear, so they’re prepared for just about anything they encounter. We’ve addressed this burden in the past for landscape shooters who often hike great distances into the field, and for travel photographers who want to carry a minimum of equipment.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 05, 2022  | 

The camera equipment we recommend typically involves primary gear like cameras, lenses, or expensive accessories. Today’s list is much different, as deals with “cheap stuff” that one pro says every outdoor shooter should own.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 22, 2022  | 

Capturing tack-sharp images of birds in flight can be a real challenge, even for professional photographers. Regardless of your skill level, we’re going to help you up your game with some great advice from two experts.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 17, 2022  | 

You’ve no doubt marveled at colorful nighttime light trail photos, and assumed they required advanced skills and special gear. As you’ll see in the tutorial below, nothing could be further from the truth.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 16, 2022  | 

In case you haven’t checked the calendar recently you can kiss winter goodbye, because spring officially begins Sunday. And that means it’s time to dust off a macro lens and bone up on your skills.

Henry Anderson  |  Mar 16, 2022  | 

There's more to landscape photography than just using a wide-angle lens. In fact, you can capture many interesting landscape looks using a long telephoto lens.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 08, 2022  | 

Nothing spoils an otherwise great shot more than failing to achieve precise focus. You can compose a scene properly, nail exposure, and capture beautiful colors, but if the image is soft all is for naught.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 02, 2022  | 

Let’s face it: Money is tight for a lot of folks these days, and that often makes it difficult to justify purchasing new gear. But if you explore the used market there are great deals to be found, as long as you know what to look for and buy from a
