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Ron Leach  |  Apr 05, 2023  | 

Creating soft, blurry backgrounds is a popular technique for making subjects stand out from their surroundings. It’s also useful for eliminating clutter, and directing a viewer’s eye to the most important element of a scene.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 05, 2023  | 

What if we told you there’s a key on your keyboard that can do a bit of magic in Lightroom? That may sound like a silly claim, but according to a respected pro it’s absolutely true. The tutorial below demonstrates exactly how it works for a variety of important editing tasks.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 05, 2023  | 

If you’re like most folks, photographers and “civilians” alike, you probably have a bunch of old family photos lurking in shoeboxes and tattered albums just waiting for some TLC. And because you’re a photographer, relatives will likely solicit your help to restore their often-damaged mementos.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 04, 2023  | 

Some photographers have been slow to embrace Lightroom, while others gave it a try and went back to Photoshop. But this trend is changing as more and more shooters become aware of the powerful new tools Adobe has added to Lightroom in recent updates.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 04, 2023  | 

The past month has been special for Shutterbug readers thanks to the weekly installments we’ve posted of an amazing free Lightroom masterclass from the PHLOG Photography YouTube channel. Part 1 covered the basics. #2 dealt with masking, and last week’s episode explained the finer points of using Lightroom’s Tone Curve.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 03, 2023  | 

This tutorial is about a common image-killing editing error that you may be guilty of yourself, and demonstrates how easy it is to fix. It’s all about using the wrong Lightroom slider for certain simple tasks when there’s a better approach that’s just as easy to implement

Ron Leach  |  Apr 03, 2023  | 

While more and more landscape photographers are turning to long telephotos when shooting in the field, the trusty wide-angle is still the go-to choice for most of us. And there’s a good reason: The perspective provided by short focal length lenses is often perfect for capturing dramatic, expansive vistas.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 31, 2023  | 

Photography is all about maximizing light, and landscape photographers are always at the mercy of prevailing conditions. The quick tutorial below demonstrates how to make necessary adjustments in Lightroom when Mother Nature fails to cooperate.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Mar 31, 2023  | 

Many image editing applications claim to provide “one click optimization.” Most of the time, the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. This software is different; it delivers. Radiant Photo from Radiant Imaging Labs analyzes your image and suggests a preset as a starting edit. Accept their judgement or change to the preset of your choice. From there, proceed using your own presets, perform a Quick Edit, or progress into a Detailed Edit and Color Grading. But the story is not what Radiant Photo does, it’s about how Radiant does it. Which is pretty cool.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 30, 2023  | 

It’s not uncommon to return from a daylong photo shoot with dozens if not hundreds of images or more. And that means spending hours behind the computer separating rejects from potential keepers before you can begin editing.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 30, 2023  | 

Whether you’re a beginner or a more advanced shooter it’s likely that a few “bad habits” are stifling your growth and preventing you from realizing your true potential. Today we’ll discuss how avoiding three common impediments will greatly expand your skills when shooting in the field.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Mar 29, 2023  | 

How long has it been since you cleaned out your camera equipment bag? Take a look right now. If you’re still hanging on to gear that you haven’t used in the past six months (six weeks for truly active photographers) it may be time to shed the old or underused stuff and buy the equipment you need to expand your abilities—and your portfolio. This is where MPB, the online platform to buy, sell or trade used photo and video gear, can help.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 29, 2023  | 

We all hear about so-call “hidden” editing tools that deliver great results. But while many of these methods are effective, some are quite familiar to photographers of all skill levels.

 |  Mar 29, 2023  | 

When we discuss boring landscape photos the problem is usually the result of improper exposure, flat lighting, or unappealing colors. Hence, the solution typically involves adjustments made during editing process.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 28, 2023  | 

Earlier this month we began posting weekly installments of a remarkable new 10-part Lightroom masterclass from our friends at Phlog Photography. Episode #1 covered basic tools for beginners, while Part 2 was all about using masks.
