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Dan Havlik  |  Nov 16, 2015  | 

NASA posts some pretty cool photos from space on its Flickr feed for the International Space Station but gear junkies should go ga-ga over the above shot shot.

Barry Tanenbaum  |  Nov 13, 2015  | 

The tour bus bringing B.B. King to Indianola, Mississippi, for his Homecoming Festival concert was very late, which meant that Ron Modra would have the opportunity for performance photos, but not the portrait session he wanted.

Staff  |  Nov 13, 2015  | 

The Technical Image Press Association (TIPA) is an organization comprised of editors and representatives of photographic magazines from North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. Spanning the consumer, professional, and trade sectors, each member magazine is dedicated to bringing the message of the joy of photography as well as providing technical, business, and industry news and information to their readers.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Nov 13, 2015  | 

In a world where gadget bags are made of black ballistic nylon and closed-cell foam, Tenba has always boogied to slightly different beat. Their latest addition, the Cooper Collection, stands apart from anything you’ve ever seen. If you’re looking for a holiday gift for the photographer in your life—a gift that they’ll pass on to their grandchildren—get in line to buy a Tenba Cooper. 

George Schaub  |  Nov 12, 2015  | 

I’ve always been a strictly DIY print guy and have done my fair share of printing over the years, but I’ve recently seen some intriguing print presentations by friends and associates—on aluminum, bonded under acrylic glass, on textile or canvas—that I could never produce in my studio. As I researched the idea I decided it was time to check out a custom lab that could broaden my print options.

Steve Meltzer  |  Nov 11, 2015  | 

After 140 years of photography, camera design has reached something of a pinnacle with today’s DSLRs and mirrorless cameras. But along the way to our digital era there were lots of false starts and dead ends. These were unusual cameras that had their brief moment and then simply disappeared.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Nov 10, 2015  | 

Long, long ago in a land far away, photo hobbyists often used yellow filters on their lenses when shooting black-and-white film. Monochrome film was a bit more sensitive to blue light back in those days, and that caused skies and clouds to blend and become an indistinguishable mess. For reasons we’ll see later, green filters were often used for portraits.

Barry Tanenbaum  |  Nov 10, 2015  | 

John Conn has photographed landscapes, landmarks, and the underwater world, but his passion for documentary storytelling has resulted in his most compelling images: apartheid-era South Africa, residents of a Bowery flophouse, patients in a cancer hospice, the subways of 1970s New York City, and, starting three years ago, the homeless of Manhattan.<

Dan Havlik  |  Nov 10, 2015  | 

The below video, which is quickly making the rounds of social media, shows a confrontation between freelance photographer and University of Missouri student Tim Tai and demonstrators during the ongoing campus-wide protest over perceived racial injustice at the school.

Dan Havlik  |  Nov 09, 2015  | 

If you think sports photographers are an underappreciated lot, check out this video that shows just how much athletes really care about sideline shutterbugs.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Nov 09, 2015  | 

Macphun Software and Trey Ratcliff, a popular HDR photographer with over nine million fans, have announced the launch of their co-developed photo editing software, Aurora HDR.

Joe Farace  |  Nov 06, 2015  | 

There’s more to black-and-white photography than simply a lack of color. Maybe we wouldn’t feel this way if the first photographs were made in color but that didn’t happen and I grew up admiring the works of W. Eugene Smith and other photojournalists who photographed people at work, play, or being themselves in glorious black and white.

Jack Neubart  |  Nov 06, 2015  | 
Cole Thompson is a refreshing voice in photography, speaking through the medium of black and white as he sees it. Self-taught, he seeks out the simple and intrinsic beauty in life and the world around him. For Thompson, shades of black, white, and gray are enough to define the most complex elements that surround us, even the nature of the universe.
The Editors  |  Nov 06, 2015  | 

We recently started a new feature on where we showcase some of our favorite footage as our video of the week. This video, titled “Big Baja Spider Crawling Through Our Camp,” was shot by Drew Coalson.

Cynthia Boylan  |  Nov 06, 2015  | 

Camera gear is expensive and no matter how careful we are, accidents sometimes happen. 
