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Ron Leach  |  Jun 20, 2016  | 

The legendary Bourne & Shepherd photo studio, founded in Kolkata (Calcutta), India, has sadly succumbed to the digital age after a storied history of 176 years. Bourne & Shepherd is considered the longest running photo studio of all time.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 20, 2016  | 

Documentary photographer Walker Evans (1903-1975) was not only one of America’s most influential artists of the 20th century; he was a superb visual storyteller. His approach to photography was simple: “Stare. It is a way to educate your eye, and more. Stare, pry, listen, eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long.”

Ron Leach  |  Jun 20, 2016  | 

OK, here’s something a bit different: A lens replica mug for coffee lovers that features a self-stirring mechanism and has a stainless steel interior to keep your drinks hot. It’s also great for icy, blended cocktails, but nobody would consume those while out shooting, would they?

Ron Leach  |  Jun 17, 2016  | 

One of the first bits of advice offered to less-experienced photographers is to “get closer to your subject.” More advanced shooters know that moving in tight tends to avoid background clutter and emphasize the primary subject. Macro (or close-up) photography takes this tenet to the extreme and makes possible some very unique imagery as long as one owns the required equipment and employs proper techniques.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 16, 2016  | 

We’ve been giving a lot of love to big glass lately, and you won’t want to miss this video review of the remarkable Sigma 300-800mm f/5.6 EX DG APO IF HSM Autofocus Lens—affectionately known as the “Sigmonster.” It works with both full-frame and APS-C cameras, and on the later it provides a long-end of 1280mm!

Ron Leach  |  Jun 16, 2016  | 

Here is some spectacular underwater imagery from experienced diver/photographer Rick Sanoian, captured with Canon’s newest flagship DSLR, the EOS-1D X Mark II. Sanoian is with Backscatter Underwater Video & Photo, a large purveyor of underwater imaging gear in Monterey CA, and you’ll see why he is so impressed with the 1D X Mark II.

 |  Jun 16, 2016  | 

Our Weird Lens Guru Mattieu Stern is at it again; this time with a review of a Jupiter 21M 200mm f/4 “tank lens” that he says has “astonishing contrast and bokeh.” Stern adds that the first time he used this lens he was “blown away by the quality.”

Ron Leach  |  Jun 16, 2016  | 

Our Weird Lens Guru Mattieu Stern is at it again; this time with a review of a Jupiter 21M 200mm f/4 “tank lens” that he says has “astonishing contrast and bokeh.” Stern adds that the first time he used this lens he was “blown away by the quality.”

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jun 16, 2016  | 

The folks who brought you PortraitPro, the software that turns average looking men and women into superstars (or as John Oliver might say, “Turns ones into tens faster than a South American counterfeiter”) now brings you LandscapePro, a similar application you should think of as “cosmetic surgery for Mother Nature.” But is this a case of “liking what you get,” or “getting exactly what you like?” That, my friends, is the $59 question

Ron Leach  |  Jun 15, 2016  | 

Selfies tend to get a bum rap from serious photographers these days, but you really have to love the latest self-portraits beamed back to Earth by NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover with Mount Sharp in the background. 

Ron Leach  |  Jun 15, 2016  | 

We typically include a cautionary warning when posting photos or videos of photographers engaged in dangerous pursuits. In the case of this genius who decided to photograph dune buggies flying over his head, we’ll be more blunt: Don’t be this guy.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 15, 2016  | 

In our second “don’t-try-this-at home” post of the day, here’s an amazing GoPro video of supermodel/skydiver Roberta Mancino as she flies over active volcano Villarrica in Chile. She began her jump at 15,000 feet, before gliding to safety in a parachute.

Staff  |  Jun 14, 2016  | 

The Isle of Skye in Scotland is a location that had been on photographer Andrei Duman’s “bucket list” for a long time. “It is rugged, remote, with unpredictable weather and stunning scenery,” Duman says. “The roads are few and far between and with them being very winding through the countryside, it is full of stop-starts, especially when the sheep decide to cross.”

Edited by George Schaub  |  Jun 14, 2016  | 

Just like the Fujifilm X-Pro1, which was introduced in 2012, the new Fujifilm X-Pro2 mirrorless camera is based on an APS-C sensor, but it uses a completely new version of the “X-Trans CMOS” sensor and now offers 24 megapixels instead of 16MP. The X-Pro2 is the first camera of Fujifilm’s X system that uses this new sensor. (Note: The new X-E2S still uses the 16MP version sensor.)

Ron Leach  |  Jun 13, 2016  | 

Sooner or later most photographers will receive the dreaded question: “Would you mind shooting our wedding?” If you’ve never taken on this daylong assignment, you may not realize how important and challenging it is. Be sure to watch this video before saying “yes.”
