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Joe Farace  |  Jan 31, 2017  | 

This January issue’s theme was outdoor photography and other than architectural interiors and studio photography, more images are probably captured out of doors than indoors. This column’s focus is on camera bags for landscape, nature, and wildlife shooters, whose needs are different from their urban counterparts. Kelly Moore, for example, manufactures fashion bags (see the December 2016 Geared Up column) and offers the beautifully crafted Woodstock Backpack ($229) that’s probably better suited for Rodeo Drive than Jellystone Park.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 31, 2017  | 

Richard Koci Hernandez considers himself a “visual journalist,” and he’s widely recognized for his stark, dramatic B&W street photography that conveys his keen sense of composition and a gritty, curious view of society. His work has appeared in major newspapers and magazines both here in the U.S. and abroad.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 31, 2017  | 

It’s almost Super Bowl time, so we thought we’d turn to Gavin Free and Dan Gruchy (AKA the Slow Mo Guys) to see what happens when an over-inflated football explodes while being captured at hundreds of times slower than you can see with your own eyes.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 31, 2017  | 

Have you ever wanted to create a time-lapse video with the popular “miniature” tiny world effect that is so popular these days? If so, watch this video tutorial from Rob and Jonas’ Filmmaking Tips that shows you how to do just that using Photoshop, Lightroom, or just about any image-editing program.

Jason Schneider  |  Jan 30, 2017  | 

Don’t look now, but film is making a comeback! The reason why is that it’s still a great way to capture distinctive images that express your personal vision.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 30, 2017  | 

Michael Paul Smith is both an artist and a photographer (and a self-proclaimed recluse) who used his ingenuity, model-building expertise, and some miniature model cars to create these very realistic views of the small towns he recalled from his childhood. The short video below illustrates Smith’s project (and includes the perfect soundtrack for kicking off your work week).

Ron Leach  |  Jan 30, 2017  | 

We typically turn to lens guru Mathieu Stern for tips on cheap, vintage lenses that can be adapted for use with today’s modern digital cameras. But in the helpful video below, Stern provides a simple solution for the often-vexing problem of mold and fungus that is often found inside older lenses.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 30, 2017  | 

Lou Freeman is an acclaimed fashion and lifestyle photographer with a client list that’s second to none. And in the video below, she shows how to create glamorous boudoir photos by using portable, continuous light sources.

Dan Havlik  |  Jan 30, 2017  | 

f you’ve had a stressful couple of weeks like we have then you’ll really enjoy watching this absolutely gorgeous time-lapse of nature in Norway, which you can view in glorious 8K.

Barry Tanenbaum  |  Jan 27, 2017  | 

Tony Sweet says that smartphone photography “isn’t officially part of the show” at his photography workshops, but the subject does come up with increasing frequency. “They’ll do their big camera work first,” Sweet says of the students, “then they’ll pull out the phones and shoot a few things, discuss among themselves, and ask me some questions.”

Jack Neubart  |  Jan 27, 2017  | 

I’ve worked with all the popular film emulators and black-and-white conversion plug-ins, looking for the one that met my workflow and esthetic requirements. After countless hours, I’m still not fully convinced of their efficacy as such. Still, they are fun to use and do fill a niche. So far, I’ve found Alien Skin’s Exposure X2 does the most convincing job so that I feel comfortable enough within my own alien skin—see what I did there?—that I’ll continue to use it, so to speak.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 27, 2017  | 

Ten years ago we ran an article extolling the virtues of soft focus lenses and explaining how to make a pretty sophisticated one yourself. And now, in the DIY video below, you’ll learn a less expensive method for making a basic version.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 27, 2017  | 

Jack Fusco is a nature photographer and professional musician who had a crazy idea: He wanted to capture a time-lapse of the night sky in Hawaii with molten lava flowing into the ocean. The amazing video below proves that his idea wasn’t so crazy after all.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 27, 2017  | 

Nitish Kumar Meena’s day gig is designing software solutions for Microsoft, but in his off time he’s an adventurous travel photographer intent on capturing our world’s natural wonders.

Steve Meltzer  |  Jan 26, 2017  | 

Great photographs are not the result of great cameras. Superb cameras help, but the real secret to making great images is the ability to see photographs in your mind’s eye before you take them. Once this ability to “pre-visualize” an image is learned, it quickly becomes second nature. Here are five simple tips to jump-start your thinking outside the camera.
