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Ron Leach  |  Oct 05, 2017  | 

Many photographers are more than willing to pay a significant premium for the latest full-frame cameras, but does the difference in image quality as compared to crop-sensor cameras justify the extra cost? We don’t expect to answer this question here, but the six-minute video below provides an interesting take on the ongoing sensor size debate.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 04, 2017  | 

There’s always more to learn about shooting and editing landscape photos, and in the powerful video below, top pro Serge Ramelli provides a bit of both. He also reveals his #1 Lightroom workflow secret, and includes a link beneath the video for downloading his presets for free.


Ron Leach  |  Oct 04, 2017  | 

Photographing models can be intimidating for those new to the game, especially if you’re unsure about posing, directing and other variables required to do the job right. The video below will put your mind at ease, and help you do the same for your model, with a demonstration of what you need to know to get started.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 04, 2017  | 

Have you ever wondered about the technology that enables a DSLR’s shutter to open and close with the necessary speed and precision to create properly exposed photographs? And what about the difference between first- and second-curtain sync?

Ron Leach  |  Oct 03, 2017  | 

Today’s modern DSLRs and mirrorless cameras are truly wonders of technology, offering all the creative control necessary for handling just about any imaging task one could envision. But if you’re moving up from a pocket camera or a basic interchangeable-lens model, choosing the proper settings from the myriad of available options can be rather bewildering.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 03, 2017  | 

Serious photographers ultimately strive to develop a style that’s all their own, but what better way to begin that quest than by emulating the work of a highly acclaimed pro? In this quick video, the folks at Mango Street provide some great inspiration for aspiring travel photographers by exploring the unique work of adventure/travel photographer Chris Burkard.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 03, 2017  | 

Hey bargain hunters: Here’s a killer deal that you may find very difficult to refuse, especially if you’ve been thinking about moving up to the world of digital medium format photography. Ricoh Imaging has just slashed the price of their 51.4MP Pentax 645Z medium format digital camera body by $1,500 to $5,496.95.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 02, 2017  | 

There is close-up photography and then there’s CLOSE-UP photography, as you can see in the remarkable video below featuring several short clips from the 2017 Nikon Small World in Motion Competition.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 02, 2017  | 

Last week we posted a tutorial with five helpful tips for getting prepared for your first fall photography excursion of the year. And now that autumn is officially upon us, we decided to feature the video below with 10 shooting tips that will help you capture spectacular images.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 02, 2017  | 

Whether you’re a committed close-up photographer, or you just want to try something a bit different, the 10 tips for capturing better macro photos in the video below are sure to improve your results. And while this tutorial is billed as one for beginners, it includes some great advice for shooters of all skill levels.

Jack Neubart  |  Sep 29, 2017  | 

Successfully capturing dancers with grace, style, and a certain sensibility for how they move takes a discerning and artistic eye. Equally, it takes an appreciation and understanding of how dancers do what they do to be able to capture just the right moment. And all that defines the photography and lighting techniques of Lois Greenfield.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 29, 2017  | 

Nikon created a big buzz recently with the introduction of their full-frame D850 DSLR that combines high-speed performance with a 45.7-megapixel sensor. The response was pretty much uniformly positive, until photographer Matt Granger put the D850’s focus tracking performance to the test and found it lacking.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 29, 2017  | 

What better way to wrap up the week than with five fun camera hacks you can try over the weekend? In the one-minute tutorial below, you’ll learn some tricks to boost creativity and add “wow” to photos and videos.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 29, 2017  | 

French philosopher Albert Camus one said, “Autumn is a second spring, when every leaf is a flower.” For photographers, this sentiment means a season full of beautiful colors and moods to capture.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 28, 2017  | 

There are often interesting photo opportunities lurking just outside one’s front door, and in the video below you’ll learn how to shoot great images on your next journey around the neighborhood. 
