Photo Book Reviews

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Lou Jones and Bob Keenan and Steve Ostrowski  |  Feb 06, 2015  | 

Canon Speedlites and Nikon Speedlights are small flashguns that can be used on- or off-camera and that can provide big results—if you know how to use them properly. Acclaimed Boston photographers Lou Jones, Bob Keenan and Steve Ostrowski guide you through the technical and creative aspects of how to get the most out of these powerful tools in Speedlights & Speedlites (Second Edition), an indispensable guide packed full of inspirational images and comprehensive diagrams of the lighting setups used to capture them.

 |  Dec 20, 2016  | 

The legendary American photographer William Eggleston was a true pioneer in the potential of color photography and his quirky, eccentric portraits of everyday life can teach us all a lot about candid artistry and composition.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 03, 2020  | 

We are amazed by the wide variety and overall affordability of the camera cases and bags that have earned their place among the Best Sellers on the Amazon website. All have been rated at 5 (or 4.5) stars by purchasers, and they cover a broad array of purposes—from Drone to DSLR. So we’ve selected a cross-section—all priced under $30—to represent the collection.

Staff  |  Dec 10, 2013  |  First Published: Nov 01, 2013  | 

The New Art of Photographing Nature: An Updated Guide to Composing Stunning Images of Animals, Nature, and Landscapes (Amphoto Books, $29.99) is from world-renowned photographer Art Wolfe and writer and photo editor Martha Hill, with Tim Grey. In this revised edition, the text has been updated throughout to reflect the dramatic changes in photography since this classic was first released in 1993. More than 50% of the beautiful images are all new, and a new contributor, digital imaging expert Tim Grey, shares sidebars throughout offering tips on digital imaging and processing.

Suzanne Driscoll  |  Apr 04, 2014  |  First Published: Feb 01, 2014  | 

Vincent van Gogh once said, “Stars are the souls of dead poets, but to become a star you have to die.” Vivian Maier (1926 - 2009) was an amateur photographer who had no desire to share her work with anyone during her life, and kept a treasure trove of over 100,000 prints, negatives, and films in five storage lockers in Chicago. By several twists of fate, they ended up in the hands of a few collectors who recognized their unique quality, and are now shown in books, documentaries, museums, and galleries throughout the world.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 13, 2017  | 

Some people think of Man Ray strictly as a photographer but those familiar with his broad body of work recognize him as a sculptor, artist and filmmaker as well. Born Emmanuel Radnitzky in Philadelphia in 1901, Ray’s eclectic background helped him reinvent photography as a significant force in the Dadaist and Surrealist movements.

Wes Kroninger  |  Apr 27, 2012  |  First Published: Mar 01, 2012  | 

In his new book, Wes Kroninger’s Lighting (ISBN: 978-1-608952-54-0, Amherst Media, $34.95 US), the author and photographer draws on his experience as a portrait, commercial, and editorial photographer to present strategies that will help photographers bring out the beauty and character in all of their subjects—from kids, to businessmen, to fashion models.

Steve Meltzer  |  Jan 14, 2015  | 

An American Odyssey (Taschen 2014) is a spectacular photo scrapbook voyage across turn-of-the-century America. Gathered from the 19th and early 20th century “color” print and picture postcard collection of photographer Marc Walter, with the assistance of documentarian Sabine Arqué, it is a huge 612-page coffee table book that tips the scales at nearly 16 pounds.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 07, 2016  | 

Moment by Moment is a beautiful new book from Thames and Hudson featuring 133 of the most celebrated images by the legendary American photographer John Loengard who was a staff photographer for Life magazine from 1961 to 1972 before becoming the magazine’s photo editor.
