Photo Accessory News

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Joe Farace  |  Feb 02, 2016  | 

I think my urge to customize cameras comes from a love of cars. I can’t seem to leave my cars alone and each one has touches that make it unique. I think that’s why everybody gets really personal when it comes to finding, using, and often treasuring photographic accessories, gadgets, and gizmos. It helps if the source is obscure, foreign, and off the beaten track, which only adds to the exclusivity. And why not? The whole idea is to seek out photo accessories that accomplish something camera and lens manufacturers didn’t think to make but perfectly fills a niche in your own photographic pursuits.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Oct 29, 2024  | 

If you’ve ever struggled getting a sharp image while seated in your car, you need the new Window Mount Clamp from 3 Legged Thing.

Cynthia Boylan  |  Dec 02, 2014  | 

WaterWeight is a nifty solution for when you need to stabilize your lightstand or tripod while on location (or even in the studio). This lightweight, compact, sack-based system doesn’t add much weight or take up too much space in your camera gear bag.

Cynthia Boylan  |  Feb 19, 2015  | 

Adorama has released a bevy of new lighting products as part of their award-winning Flashpoint accessory line. The latest releases include the Flashpoint Auto Stand (in 7' and 9’ models), the Flashpoint Telescopic Reflector Holder, and two new Flashpoint Flip-Flash Brackets. All items are now available with free shipping.

Scott Kelby  |  Jan 06, 2017  | 

Got Questions About Photography? Professional Photographer and Photoshop Expert Scott Kelby Has Got Answers.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Oct 13, 2016  | 

If you live on a planet that doesn’t have lightning, you might make it through life without a surge protector. But if you live here on Earth, better pony up and use protection. 

Ron Leach  |  Feb 28, 2018  | 

Aurga is the newest “smart digital assistant” to hit the streets, enabling photographers to wirelessly control a DSLR with their smartphone from up to 100 feet away.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 21, 2024  | 

There's no denying that photography can be an expensive pursuit, whether you're an avoid amateur or a working pro with a boatload of high-end equipment. In either case it's important to protect gear properly so that everything remains it top condition and performs as it should. In this video you'll learn several pro tips for doing just that.

Matthew Bamberg  |  Dec 17, 2012  |  First Published: Nov 01, 2012  | 

Photographers should back up their image files—it’s as simple as that—and there are numerous services that offer their services today. In this article I’ll be looking at one, Carbonite (, that works somewhat differently from others. Many people have told me that their $59 per year for the Home Plan, unlimited backup, is a steal, so I thought I’d check it out.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 07, 2023  | 

If you've never had the time or money to go on a photo safari, today is your lucky day. You don't have to pack a suitcase or pay for hotel rooms and expensive plane tickets, because the itinerary here is a quick trip to your own backyard. Apartment dwellers should pay close attention too, since the tips in the tutorial work equally well at your neighborhood park or at a close-by nature center..

Ron Leach  |  Aug 04, 2021  | 

Many photographers shy away from the one accessory that can make a huge difference in their images, both indoors and out. What we’re discussing here is supplemental light in its most basic form; namely the affordable and easy to use electronic flash.

Ron Leach  |  May 25, 2023  | 

If you’re thinking about giving wildlife photography a try, our feathered friends provide a great place to start. You don’t have to travel to exotic locations, and all you really need is a telephoto lens, along with the beginner tips you’ll learn in the tutorial below.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Mar 08, 2022  | 

Benro has reinvented the tabletop tripod. The Benro Tablepod Flex is one of those products that makes you smack yourself on the head and yell, “Why didn’t I think of that?” But there’s more than just sizzle here—there’s a fully flexible leg hidden inside each of the three rigid carbon fiber legs, and man are they useful.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Oct 01, 2021  | 

Binoculars have only one purpose: they make distant objects appear closer. They all look pretty much alike, too.  But don’t be fooled into thinking that they’re all the same. Here’s a straightforward, plain-talk guide to buying the binoculars best for you.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Aug 09, 2024  | 

You stumble into your favorite Starbucks half-awake as you do every morning and WHAM! There's Elvis standing at the end of the counter — fringed shirt, sequined guitar strap and all. You do a quick draw from your iPhone holster while The King patiently waits for his venti peanut butter banana flat white with an extra three pumps of funnel cake syrup, but — damn! — the battery is dead. What do you do? You're missing your chance to join the annals of consumer photojournalism and a shot at certain Instagram history. That's about a zillion Likes being blown to tarnation.
