Photo Accessory News

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Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Mar 07, 2025  | 

Peak Design's new Roller Pro Carry-On is a prayer answered for photographers, video content creators, carriers of miscellaneous valuable things and travelers everywhere. Forget everything you know about rolling suitcases—this is an all-new species of luggage that is certain to upend this segment of the camera carry-conveyance market for a long time to come.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 04, 2025  | 

Printing and framing your best photographs is a great way decorate a home or office and present thoughtful gifts to family members and friends. Today's tutorial from an expert shares his time-proven technique while debunking what says are "the most common photo printing myths."

Ron Leach  |  Mar 03, 2025  | 

We've all marveled at spectacular photos of the nighttime sky, and the Milky Way is one of the major attractions. Unfortunately, many photographers take a pass on this epic opportunity because of the misconception that exotic gear is required or they lack the necessary skills.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 26, 2025  | 

Last week we featured an interesting tutorial demonstrating why every landscape shooter should experiment with telephoto lenses, and the camera settings and techniques that deliver uncommon images in the field. We're following up on that today with five unconventional methods for capturing unique wide-angle photographs in ways you may not have tried in the past.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Feb 24, 2025  | 

Fast, super high-capacity SSD (Solid State Drive) storage devices have become essential tools for content creators, videographers and studio photographers. Storage drives that are immensely portable and durable, like the 8TB* Sandisk Extreme® Portable SSD, provide the ideal platform to store, back up and help preserve precious data while on location in the field, in the studio and at the workstation.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 18, 2025  | 

The first thing most landscape photographers do upon arriving on location is set down their bag and pull out a trusty wide-angle lens. After all, what better way to capture an expansive vista? The problem with always following this routine is that your images will fail to stand out from the crowd because just about everyone else does the same thing.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 31, 2025  | 

Safe storage practices may seem like a boring topic, until you lose a bunch of images that you worked so hard to create. Then you'll wish you had taken the time to store and back up your photographs properly as we've urged in the past.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 27, 2025  | 

Today's quick video is a must-see for everyone who's not up to speed on Apple's latest iPhone app and everything it offers. The tutorial comes from Your Technology Coach, a popular YouTube channel devoted to digital technology tips and techniques.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jan 24, 2025  | 

Modern digital cameras are technological marvels capable of creating amazing images and chockfull of innovative features. But dammit, there are a few things manufacturers could add that would enhance the overall electronic photography experience for us all. Here's my Top Ten list. What's on yours?

Ron Leach  |  Dec 26, 2024  | 

Getting the light right is an essential task whether you're shooting indoors or out, and sometimes this means adding supplemental light to achieve perfect exposures. One choice is using a flash, but some photographers are intimidated by the techniques and settings that are required.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 19, 2024  | 

The first thing most landscape photographers do upon arriving on location is to pull a wide-angle lens out of their bag. This approach may work great for shooting expansive scenes, but it will also give images a familiar look, and can even stifle one's creativity.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 12, 2024  | 

Environmental portraits are a lot of fun to make, even if people pictures aren't your thing. One reason is that you don't need any special gear, or even a simple flash, if you understand how to work with whatever illumination exists on location. And this holds true whether you're shooting during the day or after the sun drops below the horizon.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 11, 2024  | 

The handheld light meter is an extremely powerful accessory that was far more popular in the days of 35mm photography. But this versatile and precise tool is just as valuable when shooting with modern digital cameras, and this tutorial explains why, when, and how.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Dec 08, 2024  | 

They say the best gift is something you want to own yourself. If that's true, this gift list hits the jackpot 10 times over. We want them all! You will too. Check this out.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 03, 2024  | 

This tutorial demonstrates the magic of a "Vaseline technique" that will impart a soft, dreamy look to just about any image you shoot. This method isn't exactly new, but it's rarely discussed among digital photographers who typically apply software filters to create special effects.
