Pro Techniques

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Chris Maher and Larry Berman  |  Jul 01, 2008  | 

In the early days of the web, small images were the only practical way to keep pages loading fast on slow dial-up connections.

Steve Bedell  |  May 01, 2005  | 

Photos © 2004, Steve Bedell, All Rights Reserved

I love shooting outdoor portraits! As a matter of fact, it has become my "signature style." During my busy season, I may take over 400 outdoor exposures in a single day, so I'd better be able to do it well and do it fast. An element of my style is that I don't use flash. Many photographers do, and...

Rosalind Smith  |  Jan 01, 2008  | 

Joyce Tenneson's photographs are thought-provoking and deeply moving. Her portraits provide insight into the soul and spirit of her subjects. Perhaps this is why Tenneson has enjoyed such a long and successful career.

"I started photographing in my 20s--I feel I have lived at least four lifetimes! My work has evolved as I have, and looking back on it...

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 08, 2023  | 

Belinda Burton is a portrait photographer who's fanatical about photography and expresses a "…passion to empower all women, no matter what age, size, race and occupation, that they are worthy of admiration." We had a chance to connect with her and share her story with Shutterbug readers.

Chris Maher and Larry Berman  |  Aug 01, 2009  | 

Joe McNally is an expert at lighting big jobs with small flashes. Besides being a successful commercial photographer, he also spends a great deal of time teaching. His new book, The Hot Shoe Diaries, is a virtual how-to for setting up complex lighting using Nikon SB flashes.

Normally, when we do interviews like this, we also discuss in detail how some of the photographer’s...

Jim Zuckerman  |  May 28, 2014  | 

I have always been fascinated by a photographer’s ability to turn a common subject into a work of art. Being a photographer means seeing the artistic potential in the elements that surround us on a daily basis. I travel all over the world seeking out amazing things to shoot, but I also find them at home—in the kitchen, in my backyard or even in my office. It’s always an exciting discovery to work with a subject to which I never gave a second thought, and then one day it turns into something that is visually arresting.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 16, 2014  | 

You’d wash your car inside and out before you tried to sell it, right? At the least you’d vacuum the dog hair from the back seat. Why do so many people offer downright dirty cameras and lenses for sale at online auction websites? While you cannot (and should not) remove signs of wear, you can easily make used gear clean and presentable.

Steve Bedell  |  Feb 01, 2003  | 

Jack Holowitz

Jack Holowitz is the male half of the incredibly talented team of Jack and Nancy Holowitz from Springfield, Massachusetts. Nancy is known for her sensitive portraiture, and Jack has gained a great reputation for his eye-popping black and white work that includes nudes and...

Barry Tanenbaum  |  Feb 14, 2017  | 

Proximity was a factor: corporate and advertising photographer Robert Rathe lives about 10 miles from the long-closed Lorton Correctional Complex in Fairfax County, Virginia. So was a fascination with the concept of what constitutes a prison—physical structure or state of mind? And so was the attraction of documenting and preserving a bit of local history.

Jay McCabe  |  Jul 01, 2005  | 

"If you define your creativity by what the market wants, you're dead before you start."

When James Balog traveled to Banda Aceh, Indonesia, in January, he knew there was little chance of his photographs being picked up by newspapers or magazines. The tsunami, which struck the region on December 26, had been well covered by the media. But as a photographer...

Jack Neubart  |  May 01, 2008  | 

In a career spanning 40 years, Jeff Smith's work as an industrial and corporate photographer is well-known to many. Not too long ago we'd find him going to a job site with literally almost a half-ton of lighting gear, along with a Mamiya RZ67 and heavy lenses, not to mention countless packs of film and Polaroids. Over the years the market has shifted, technology has...

Jay McCabe  |  Sep 01, 2005  | 

It starts with the website, which is a key element in wedding photographer John Solano's business. John's goal is to be pre-sold before the client even meets him. "The ideal is that I don't have to show them a picture," John says. "I do that, of course, but the work kind of sells itself, and if they've seen it already, the selling is...

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Nov 15, 2024  | 

AI Retouching is coming to Aftershoot soon, and you're invited to join the waitlist to become a beta tester.

Lou Jacobs Jr.  |  Apr 01, 2011  | 

When the Virginia Tourism Corporation needed a series of illustrations, to help publicize tourism with imaginative style, photographer Keith Lanpher, based in Norfolk, was chosen for the job. This was a location project that called for seven days of shooting with numerous models as well as a passel of dogs and a large smoke machine.

Lanpher knew it would...

Joe Farace  |  Jan 01, 1998  | 

Big. Everything about digital imaging with medium format film boils down to the joys and delights of working with large image files. A frame of medium format film dwarfs a 35mm negative or slide and while this bigness produces more image quality, it also...
