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Barry Tanenbaum  |  Nov 01, 2006  | 

Harvey Stein is in no hurry. He has published three photography books--in 1978, Parallels: A Look at Twins; in '86, Artists Observed; and in '98, Coney Island--and the publication dates tell you what you need to know about his pace. The photographs here are from his fourth book, Movimento: Glimpses of Italian Street Life. Due out this fall, it is a collection...

Frances E. Schultz  |  May 01, 2005  | 

Photos © 2004, Frances E. Schultz, All Rights Reserved

The compendiously named Album vom Rhein, vom Bodensee bis Duesseldorf, nebst Schwarzwald, Strassburg i.E., Karlsruhe, Heidelberg und Wiesbaden was published by Globus Verlag GmbH, Berlin, in the early years of the 20th century. It was probably a present to my great-grandmother Anna Schultz, nee Lecherling, who was...

Susan McCartney  |  Aug 01, 2002  | 

My niece and keen amateur photographer Elizabeth Martin celebrated the coming of the new millennium on a mountainside near Katmandu, Nepal. She carried a backpack containing a Canon EOS Elan, 20 rolls of color print film, three pairs of wool socks, her...

Rick Sammon  |  Aug 01, 2001  | 

It's that time of year when many of us are gearing up for our summer vacations. Some folks will go to the far sides of the planet, others will stay close to home. But, no matter where we go, Shutterbug readers have one thing in common:...

Peter K. Burian  |  May 01, 2001  | 

Whenever I judge photo contests including a travel category, one fact quickly becomes apparent: picture-taking during vacation and other trips is not always taken seriously. The photographer who might spend hours making an exceptional landscape...

Rick Sammon  |  Mar 01, 2006  | 

"An adventure is misery and discomfort, relived in the safety of reminiscence." --Marco Polo

With the wind chill factor it's 35ÞF below zero. I've only been standing on the small, snow-covered deck of a Frontiers North Adventures Tundra Buggy (a vehicle specially designed for polar exploration) for about 5 minutes, and already my...

Rick Sammon  |  Apr 01, 2001  | 

There has never been a more exciting time to take underwater pictures. That's because underwater cameras and camera systems have never been easier to use. Plus, new supersaturated films provide the most colorful photos ever! What's...

Mike Matzkin  |  Apr 01, 2004  |  First Published: Apr 01, 1999  | 

Italy has to be one of the greatest places I know for a photo vacation. It is virtually impossible to take a really bad photograph there.

The light, even in the middle of the day, is something special. You'll find yourself...

Joseph A. Dickerson  |  Apr 01, 2001  | 

I've always loved the sea, and having grown up around, on, and in the ocean, I guess a fascination with lighthouses was inevitable. If I'm near the coast on a shooting trip and there is a lighthouse nearby I'll try to...

Maynard Switzer  |  Jan 01, 2011  | 

Ten years ago, when I was primarily a fashion photographer, I did a shoot in Cuba. Normally I’d have used medium and long telephoto lenses, but because the narrow streets I was shooting on featured colorfully painted walls, I switched to a 35mm lens. With that lens I was able to show not only the models but also the background, which revealed a bit about the location. Equally important, I...

Don Mammoser  |  May 01, 2004  | 

Wildlife model shoots are simply a wonderful, easy way to get great photos of some very elusive animals. I have a Zoology degree. I have worked as a ranger for the US Fish & Wildlife Service. I have studied endangered species, spending countless hours...

Carol Polich  |  Jan 01, 2003  | 

Winter Wonderland

It was one of those subfreezing, clear wintry days when the air was filled with humidity as the sun peeked its effervescent rays over the nearby mountains. I looked out the window and noticed the frost thinly caked on the glass. The tree branches in the yard and wire...
