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Press Release  |  Aug 18, 2010  | 

At the beginning of the year the organizers of photokina — Koelnmesse and the Photographic Industry Association — invited photographers from around the world to apply for an exhibition area at photokina 2010 in Cologne. Well over 60 photographers entered this competition in the hope of winning one of the coveted exhibition areas at the world's largest trade fair for the photography and imaging sector. A total of twelve exhibitions have now been selected. They will be presented to the public in the halls of the Cologne exhibition center from September 21 to 26, 2010.


Shutterbug Staff  |  Aug 14, 2006  | 

organizers of photokina will be bringing the "imaging is more" slogan
to life with a diverse program of top-quality supporting events. This program
will provide real added value to the international trade visitors and end-consumers
of photographic products. At the heart of the events for imaging professionals
from around the world will be the opportunity to share information on the latest
sector trends at the international level. In addition, exciting events for the
general public will offer interested consumers an insight into innovations in
the world of digital imaging.

New: International panel discussion on digital printing

On the second day of the fair, the Deutsche Drucker Verlagsgesellschaft in cooperation
with Koelnmesse will be organizing a panel discussion that will address issues
related to digital printing. Appropriately, the event will be titled "Digital
Printing: Innovative Products and Systems for the Imaging Market" with
international participants. According to the latest information, the participants
will be Antonio Perez, President and CEO of Kodak, Anne Mulcahy, Chairman and
CEO of Xerox, and Vyomesh Joshi, Executive Vice President of Hewlett Packard's
Imaging and Printing Group. The discussions will address the wealth of possibilities
for the printing of digital consumer photos and innovative products for professional
large-format printing.

(September 27, 2006, Congress Center North)

International Specialist Trade Center Service

I information and convenience will be the main issues of the International Specialist
Trade Center in Passage 2/4. The center will be open exclusively to international
trade dealers, the most important target group of the World of Imaging. The
International Specialist Trade Center is supported by the Federal Association
of the Technical Retail Trade (BVT), which represents the interests of all specialist
trade groups that sell digital imaging products.

The focal point will be the BVT Business Lounge. Each morning, dealers can prepare
here thoroughly for an effective and efficient visit to the fair. The services
and information offered include detailed trade fair information, specific product
details, individual problem solving and access to special databases. For example,
GfK Marketing Services will be offering ENCODEX, an electronic database containing
master data for products and featuring a new product catalogue that provides
access to a comprehensive range of imaging products at the touch of a button.
Convenience will also be the name of the game at a spacious meeting area, where
participants can hold in-depth talks. Meanwhile, visitors can relax and take
some time out from the hectic fair in a quiet lounge.


Shutterbug Staff  |  Jul 25, 2006  | 

Professional and avid photographers looking to travel to Cologne, Germany will
notice some changes when they prepare for their trip to photokina 2006, Sept.
26 -- Oct. 1, 2006 in Cologne, Germany. Photokina veterans should quickly
forget about the previous hall number system. As a result of an altered fairground
all hall numbers have changed. Halls are no longer defined by consumer or professional
interest. The newly renovated and renumbered fairground has now the shape of
a shopping mall. Connected by one Main Corridor "Messeboulevard"
navigation is now easier than in the past. Forgot to see someone in Hall 6?
Don't worry, cut through the main corridor and you will be there in no
time. Traffic into the halls will be fed from four entrance points at the South,
East, North and West of the fairground.


Staff  |  Aug 05, 2009  | 

PhotoLynx, Inc. announces the release of and software that makes possible quick, accurate and inexpensive data and image validation.

Tim McCain, Sr. Vice Pres. of PhotoLynx, Inc. says, “For years school and sports photographers and digital imaging labs have been faced with the challenge of verifying names and images on class composites and other service items such as ID cards, principal pages, yearbook CDs and the many other products needed in the volume package market.  Now, with and, the verification process can be much quicker, more accurate and less costly while at the same time reducing turnaround time. and, also, make significant contributions to the green cause by reducing hardcopy prints and shipping.”

The photographer or digital imaging lab uploads the images and data to the secure or website where authorized individuals from the respective group, the school or league, access the information and make needed changes and corrections.  Once completed, the information is downloaded to the original database and the changes and corrections are automatically made and production can continue with updated accurate data associated with each image.

Additional information and a demonstration can be obtained by contacting Tim McCain, or Paul Schulz,


Press Release  |  Sep 28, 2011  | 
PDN PhotoPlus International Conference + Expo has announced its 2011 keynote presentation and seminar schedule at the Javits Convention Center in New York from October 27-29, along with a daylong series of wedding and portrait seminars scheduled for October 26. The lineup offers the largest and most diverse learning curriculum for photographers, videographers, and other visual creatives in the Expo's 29-year history. The addition of Wedding and Portrait Photographers International (WPPI) to PhotoPlus Expo 2011, along with keynote presentations from Art Wolfe, Frans Lanting, and Thomas Mangelsen, among others, sets the stage for an incredible learning experience filled with inspiration at every turn.
Press Release  |  Aug 19, 2013  | 
Photo District News (PDN) has released its extensive list of educational seminars during the PDN PhotoPlus International Conference + Expo -- October 23-26, 2013 at the Javits Convention Center in New York City. More than 90 seminars, keynote presentations, and symposiums will be presented by the world’s foremost experts on the trends, technology, and creative techniques in the fields of photography, video, post-production, and business development. In addition, many of this year's seminars and symposiums will celebrate the 30th anniversary of PhotoPlus Expo with topics supporting the show theme, "Honoring the Past, Envisioning the Future."
Press Release  |  Sep 25, 2013  | 
Photo District News (PDN) has released its extensive list of educational seminars during the PDN PhotoPlus International Conference + Expo -- October 23-26, 2013 at the Javits Convention Center in New York City. More than 90 seminars, keynote presentations, and symposiums will be presented by the world’s foremost experts on the trends, technology, and creative techniques in the fields of photography, video, post-production, and business development. In addition, many of this year's seminars and symposiums will celebrate the 30th anniversary of PhotoPlus Expo with topics supporting the show theme, "Honoring the Past, Envisioning the Future."
Dan Havlik  |  Nov 03, 2014  | 

PhotoPlus Expo in New York City may not have featured as many blockbuster photo gear announcements as photokina in Germany had last month but there was certainly an ample amount of interesting new gear and software at the show.

Press Release  |  Aug 16, 2010  | 

PhotoReflect ( is now providing new and improved tools to increase sales for the professional photographer while enriching the online experience for their customers. In particular, a new selling feature called “digital download packages” that enables photo-consumers to choose their images with the help of an online wizard, has already resulted in an empirical increase in sales volume for photographers using PhotoReflect.


Press Release  |  Sep 17, 2010  | 

PhotoReflect ( has launched a new and improved shopping cart for the pro photographer’s customer. Dubbed by the company as the ‘Super Cart,’ online photo customers can more efficiently review and edit their orders.


Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 25, 2020  | 

Did you just get a new camera? Or maybe you’re getting reacquainted with a camera that’s been on the shelf for awhile? Getting good pictures consistently – the ultimate goal of all photographers – is easier than you think. Here are 10 tips that I share with all photographers regardless of skill level.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 25, 2022  | 

Typically when we discuss photographing birds in flight, the emphasis is on techniques for capturing super sharp images. But as you’ll see in today’s tutorial, there’s another critical consideration under certain lighting conditions.

Henry Anderson  |  Nov 12, 2019  | 

Sometimes there's just no time to shoot a photo. Sometimes you're lucky to have 10 minutes to do a photo shoot and other times you're grateful to get even 10 seconds. (Those annoying celebrities sure are busy!)

Ron Leach  |  Jun 18, 2024  | 

Arriving at a correct exposure can often be difficult when shooting outdoors. This is particularly true when capturing expansive landscape scenes with a wide range of tones from deep shadows to bright highlights. This tutorial from the PHLOG Photography YouTube channel demonstrates a very effective Lightroom technique for balancing out the image with a perfect overall exposure.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 08, 2024  | 

Accurate color grading is an essential editing task regardless of the type of images you shoot, and there's a variety effective technique—some more complicated than others. This tutorial from the Photoshop Café YouTube channel explains a fast, easy, and effective method for getting the job done.
