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Steve Meltzer  |  Mar 04, 2015  | 

Roberto Neumiller is one angry photographer. A well-respected photojournalist based in Paris, Neumiller went to the African Sahel in 2006 where he photographed the daily lives of workers in the region. When the images were originally published they were widely praised.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 31, 2016  | 

We all know journalists are getting pushed around on the political beat these days, but during a commercial photo shoot on the streets of Chicago? That’s what happened to Chicago Tribune photographer Anthony Souffle yesterday as he came upon an Adidas advertising shoot in public.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Aug 09, 2007  | 

Kingston Technology Company, Inc. has announced that it has posted an interview
with legendary photojournalist Harry Benson on its `Icons of Photography'
microsite. A witness to history, Benson shares what it was like to be standing
next to Robert F. Kennedy when he was assassinated, how he got his first big
break as the only journalist allowed to interview a mass murderer in prison,
and how it felt to march with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In addition to his
photographic exploits, Benson expresses personal goals such as his longtime
desire to become a professional football (soccer) player.


Press Release  |  Sep 08, 2010  | 

Despite a difficult economy, all major players will be on stage at Photokina and present the entire spectrum of products and services in the areas of modern image technology and image applications for consumers and professionals. The event's organizers — Koelnmesse and the Photographic Industry Association — estimate that over 1,300 exhibitors from around 50 countries will present their products and services in Cologne to more than 150,000 attendees from around the world.


George Schaub  |  Jan 01, 2011  | 

Our show report this year is an amalgam of product news and trend spotting, which pretty much reflects what photokina has stood for in our minds. The sense of a United Nations of photography still prevails at this increasingly European-directed show, but the image and its uses is still the universal tie that binds.

Press Release  |  Aug 19, 2010  | 

Image Engineering, one of the leading global companies for the development of measuring processes for digital imaging, has come up with a special highlight for the upcoming photokina 2010. With the help of the first-ever living test chart, visitors to the leading global trade fair for imaging, which will be held from September 21 to 26, can bring along their cameras or camera-equipped cell phones to the Boulevard in the trade fair halls and have them tested free of charge. This attention-getting activity is supported by Koelnmesse as the organizer of photokina and by other sponsors including CHIP Foto Video, Foto Gregor, and the image services provider Viabild.


Press Release  |  Feb 13, 2012  | 
On 18th September 2012, the world’s largest and most important event for the international photography and imaging sector will once again open its doors in Cologne, Germany.  photokina 2012 will present the complete range of the global imaging market;  approximately 1,200 suppliers from more than 40 countries are expected to attend the fair in 2012. More than 180,000 visitors from over 160 countries attended the World of Imaging in 2010.
George Schaub  |  Mar 06, 2015  | 

Photokina 2014 in Germany has been covered widely on the Internet already—including our own extensive reporting on the show on—so there’s no need for me to rehash the major announcements from the event, such as the latest full-frame cameras from Canon and Nikon and the like. My photo report here is aimed at sharing some wider ranging thoughts and perspectives on this important biennial show and what it told us about photography today and where it might be heading tomorrow.

Dan Havlik  |  Sep 25, 2018  | 

Fujifilm made more medium format camera news at the photokina show in Cologne, Germany today, saying it is developing a new flagship model, which will have a 100MP image sensor. 

 |  Jan 11, 2010  | 

In the coming year, photokina will further intensify its strong support for
imaging professionals. The supporting program, which is targeted at
professional trade visitors, will also have a new concept.


Ron Leach  |  Sep 19, 2016  | 

This morning at Photokina in Cologne, Germany Nikon launched their new line of KeyMission action cameras with three models that will ship next month along with a host of accessories. The new cameras include the KeyMission 360 we previewed at CES in January, along with the KeyMission 170 offering 4K UHD video and the wearable KeyMission 80.

Dan Havlik  |  Sep 19, 2014  | 

Yes, as we predicted, there’s been a ton of new photo gear announced for the photokina 2014 show in Cologne, Germany. We’re still in Cologne covering the show and there’s been so much photo gear news this past week, it’s actually hard for even us to remember some of what’s been announced.

Peter K. Burian  |  Jan 01, 2007  | 

The digital SLR category continues to grow. Several manufacturers introduced new models during the photokina show; Canon, Panasonic, and Sony had unveiled their new entries sometime before the European trade show, so they are not included in this report. In any event, it's clear that the 10-megapixel or higher resolution category is becoming the norm in all types of...

Roger W. Hicks  |  Jan 01, 2007  | 

This would appear to be a new golden age for rangefinder users. There are now three major systems (Leica, Voigtländer, and Zeiss) and two minor (Epson and Rollei). All use the same cross-compatible lens mount, for which an extensive and excellent range of lenses is available, and all compete with one another, albeit at different price points. Who could have imagined this...

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 11, 2004  | 

At the end of September,
2004, the world's top photo and imaging companies, and art, commercial
and photojournalist photographers will gather in Cologne, Germany, for
Photokina. If you haven't already made plans, now's the
time to book your trip and join us for this exciting event. Our trip
includes hotels, tickets to the show, a special after-show journey and
a very special Leica factory tour. Call 1-866-674-3476 today for more
information. To give you an idea of what's in store at Photokina
read the following press release from the Cologne Trade Fairs, the people
who produce the show.

