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William Walker  |  Jan 08, 2016  | 

Since this is my first foray into camera reviews, I’ll start with a little background info. I am an automotive photographer on staff at two of Shutterbug’s sister publications, Motor Trend and Automobile. Prior to Motor Trend I managed Silvio’s Photoworks in SoCal, and before that I was a manager at the equipment and studio checkout at Brooks Institute of Photography, where I got my BFA. I have used everything from 4x5s to my iPhone, old or new, film or digital. And ever since my dad first handed me his Pentax K1000 in fifth grade, my lens has been aimed at cars.

Staff  |  May 15, 2009  | 

Phase One A/S and Mamiya Digital Imaging, Ltd. are proud to announce that Phase One is making a significant financial investment in Mamiya Digital Imaging, thus becoming a major shareholder in the company behind the Mamiya brand of medium format cameras and lenses. Terms of the agreement are not being disclosed.


Ron Leach  |  Jan 13, 2017  | 

The wife of photographer Phillip Haumesser had a simple request: “Take some more photos of our kids.” As you can see from these gorgeous images, Haumesser complied in grand fashion.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 19, 2023  | 

Using a hard shell case to protect sensitive camera gear has its advantages—until you try to carry it for a few miles over rough terrain. So professional photographer Laurens Parsons, founder of RucPac, invented the Hardcase Strap system that effectively turns your hard-sided case into a backpack. This is just one of the many useful and innovative products in the RucPac photo accessory stable.

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 23, 2007  | 

Westcott is offering their Photo Basics by Westcott customers the chance to
have their photos published in Shutterbug Magazine. Contestants must use a Photo
Basics lighting kit to create an image then submit it for the chance to win
one of three prizes offered in the contest. The grand prize winner will have
their photo published in Shutterbug Magazine. Second place earns the photographer
recognition of their imagery on the
web site. All three prize winners will gain a free one-year subscription to
the Shutterbug publication. The deadline for submissions is July 30, 2007. Details
are available and submissions can be made on the Photo Basics web site.


Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Feb 26, 2021  | 

Depth-of-field is like the weather—we can’t control it but we can take advantage of its powerful effects. That is, if we understand its behavior. Here are 7 facts about DoF to coach photographers through the laws of physics and optical phenomena.

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 15, 2018  | 

If you’re a beginner photographer or even if you just need a quick refresher course on some photography basics, this video from B&H Photo's YouTube channel is worth a look. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Mar 05, 2021  | 

Here is everything you need to know to harness the power of ISO and take full control of your camera.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Dec 20, 2018  | 

Even with today’s digital cameras, which can shoot clean images in dim conditions at incredibly high ISOs, low light photography is still a challenge. There are, however, some very basic things you should be doing to help you with the dark art of low light photography.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 19, 2017  | 

Today’s sophisticated cameras feature a variety of shooting modes from Manual to fully automatic Program, and a couple others in between. In this photography primer you'll learn all you need to know about these different settings and which mode is best for capturing different types of scenes.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 17, 2017  | 

Henri Cartier Bresson, the French master of candid photography, once said, “Your eye must see a composition or an expression that life itself offers you, and you must know with intuition when to click the camera.” The quick video below reviews three important composition techniques that will enable you to start creating more dynamic images today.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 27, 2017  | 

The first thing most serious photographers do after buying a new camera is to change many of the default settings to match their particular style and the type of images they shoot most. If you need some help with this important task, all you have to do is watch the quick video below.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 24, 2017  | 

Many photographers shoot exclusively with available light because they’re intimidated by what they fear are the complexities of using supplemental light sources. And while complicated studio setups can require specialized expertise, shooting with simple speedlights or small studio strobes is actually quite simple.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 03, 2017  | 

Today’s modern DSLRs and mirrorless cameras are truly wonders of technology, offering all the creative control necessary for handling just about any imaging task one could envision. But if you’re moving up from a pocket camera or a basic interchangeable-lens model, choosing the proper settings from the myriad of available options can be rather bewildering.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 25, 2018  | 

Good photographs begin by understanding the principles of light, and knowing how to manipulate camera settings to arrive at a correct exposure. In the video below, you’ll learn how to set shutter speed, aperture, and ISO properly to achieve exactly the result you want.
