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Deborah Sandidge  |  Nov 30, 2020  | 

By definition a prism is a geometrical glass figure with...wait, stop; forget that. Just take a look at the cover of your Dark Side of the Moon album. That's a prism, and that's basically what it does.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 01, 2023  | 

Ok Lightroom users, do you fully understand the difference between color grading and color correction when editing your photos? If you're not completely sure, the video below from the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom channel will straighten you out in a hurry, while demonstrating a quick and easy color-grading method for enhancing tonal effects and vibrance in Lightroom.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 11, 2022  | 

One sure way to capture impressive landscape images is to mount your camera on a tripod and experiment with long exposures. This enables you to convey a sense of movement, with cotton-like clouds and soft, flowing water.

Ron Leach  |  May 26, 2022  | 

Yesterday we featured a very helpful tutorial, explaining how to consistently nail exposure when shooting outdoors. But what happens when you make a mistake and a photo is badly underexposed?

Ron Leach  |  Dec 26, 2023  | 

All frequent Shutterbug fans are familiar with the powerful tutorials we post regularly from the popular PHLOG Photography YouTube channel—each devoted to a specific post-processing task. Today's episode is a bit different because it reveals a foolproof workflow, rather than a singular technique, that's super effective for editing just about every image you shoot.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 06, 2008  | 

Manufactured of high-strength, super light aircraft alloy, the black anodized
leg segments feature a unique octagonal profile which enhances the rigidity
of the tripod. With a leg spread of nearly 6 ft., it provides maximum stability
for nature, macro, architectural or portrait photography. Each leg segment is
independently adjustable so that the tripod can easily be locked on uneven terrain.
The center column is easily removable from the main body of the tripod via a
spring-loaded locking screw. Once removed, the center column can be inserted
"upside-down" with the tripod collar, facilitating close focus/macro
photography. Large easily,adjustable lever locks enable fast height adjustments.
Weighs less than 4 lbs. MSRP $179.


Blaine Harrington  |  Jul 15, 2016  | 

On Monday evening, February 8th, I got an e-mail okaying my request for press credentials to cover the Denver Broncos’ Super Bowl victory parade. It was triple good news: I’m a Broncos fan, I’d get images for stock, and I wouldn’t have to travel far (I live about 10 miles from Denver).

Henry Anderson  |  Jan 31, 2020  | 

Photographer Miguel Quiles is back with more great portrait photography hacks you'll wish you knew sooner. Last summer, we shared Quiles' first video with some easy portrait tips and now he's got "round 2" with five additional tricks to help you shoot pro-level portraits in no time.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 29, 2020  | 

So you’re trying your hand at people pictures and your photos look more like snapshots than “real” portraits. What gives? The solution for taking your images to the next level may be as simple as picking up a few affordable accessories.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 28, 2023  | 

Whether your strategy to beat this summer's heat involves the beach, the municipal pool or the backyard sprinkler, you can capture the fun with a waterproof, all-weather camera. Bonus— they're not just for summer. They also stand up to spring showers, wintry blizzards and the grubby hands of children.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 27, 2017  | 

Benjamin Jaworskyj is a self-taught professional adventure photographer with a teaching style all his own. In the exuberant three-minute video below he reveals five secrets for shooting compelling landscape images.

Henry Anderson  |  Aug 19, 2021  | 

If you're looking for fast and fun photography tricks, Kyle Nutt has got them for you. In the simple and quick tutorial below, Nutt shares five long exposure photography tricks in just 2.5 minutes.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 01, 2022  | 

Are you a novice bird photographer and unhappy with your results? If so, the video below is just what you need to up your game. You’ll see common mistakes made by beginners and intermediate shooters, with the techniques and strategies pros use to avoid them.

Henry Anderson  |  Apr 27, 2021  | 

Posing is the sort of thing that seems easy but can be tough and intimidating TO novice photographers. Fortunately, there are experienced pros like Manny Ortiz who has posed many different subjects to create striking portraits. And in the below video, he tellS you how you can do it yourself.

Henry Anderson  |  Dec 01, 2021  | 

Landscape photographer Mark Denney's video from a few years ago on landscape photography mistakes that beginners make proved to be one of his most popular of all time. Now he's back with a follow-up tutorial that addresses something he didn't tackle in the previous video: what do you do when you make a photo mistake on location?
