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Henry Anderson  |  Sep 09, 2021  | 

In photography, as we like to say, everybody makes mistakes. But how you adapt and overcome those mistakes is how you become a better photographer.

Henry Anderson  |  Oct 20, 2022  | 

Portrait photographers are always keen to capture their subjects in the best light. One common request from the people you are photographing is to make them look thinner.

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 24, 2018  | 

We often turn to Los Angeles-based pro photographer Michael Sasser’s YouTube channel for gear tips including lens recommendations but in the below he offers something equally valuable: tips on how to pose your subjects for better boudoir images.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 13, 2017  | 

Serious landscape photographers are known for chasing great light. But what happens when you travel to a beautiful location and there’s simply no magic in the sky? All is not lost if you use the techniques described in the video below.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 01, 2022  | 

Let’s fact it: Landscape photography can be really expensive. Not only do you need a good camera and an arsenal of great glass, but a solid tripod, filters, and a closet full of hiking gear and apparel for all seasons.

Henry Anderson  |  Sep 30, 2021  | 

Summer is over and the fall is here. The leaves are starting to turn their orange, red and golden hues but are you ready as a photographer?

Henry Anderson  |  Apr 20, 2022  | 

Retouching skin tones in Photoshop can be intimidating to software novices. Do too much enhancement in Photoshop and your subject's skin will look plasticky and doll-like. Do too little skin correction and you might not be able to tell the difference between the before and after pictures.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jul 20, 2018  | 

Maybe you don’t know it already, but camera filters can help you take better photos right away. No, we’re not talking about those software “filters” you might use in Lightroom as a plug-in. We mean actual physical filters you put on the front of your lens.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 02, 2022  | 

Experienced photographers appreciate the value of filters, the kind that go in front of the lens. Screw-in filters alter the characteristics of light before it reaches the image sensor—something not even Photoshop can do. Here are three I recommend for autumn leaf colors and all fall festivities.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 26, 2018  | 

No, this isn’t one of those click-bait headlines about Photoshop “secrets” that aren’t really secret at all. By watching this eye-opening video you’ll discover three helpful keyboard shortcuts for bringing up menus that are truly hidden within Photoshop.

Henry Anderson  |  Aug 31, 2022  | 

Last week, boudoir pro photographer Yuliya Panchenko shared with us three ways to pose legs in the lying position and now she’s back with three methods for posing legs in the standing position. So, to quote the great ZZ Top, you could say Panchenko has legs and she knows how to use them.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 03, 2020  | 

Whether you’re shooting landscapes, portraits, action or other types of photos, the proper use of depth of field will often have a huge impact on your results. As you’ll see in the eye-opening video below, you can use depth of field to advantage by following three simple rules of composition.

Dan Havlik  |  Apr 24, 2018  | 

Danish photographer Mads Peter Iversen thinks composition is so important to landscape photography, he’s made several photography tips videos about the subject. In his latest video, Iversen discusses three composition tips he thinks are key to making a successful image.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 18, 2019  | 

One of the key things that can make or break a portrait photo is body language. If the person who is posing for the photo is showing negative or awkward body language, your portrait will come out looking negative or awkward or worse: both.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 10, 2021  | 

Some photographers turn up their noses at the notion of using on-camera flash for portrait photography. But the technique is super easy to accomplish, and done right it can yield surprisingly beautiful results.
