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Not your typical reflection: When you live at 9,000 ft elevation in Colorado and can have snow during nine months of the year you better learn to enjoy winter and freezing temperatures.
I photographed this image on a bitter cold morning after a light snow fall during the night. It was about 10 degrees Fahrenheit and all of the vegetation was covered in tiny ice crystals, sparkling like thousands of jewels, reflecting the early morning sun. Simply stunning. But the true beauty was only revealed when I looked through my macro lens at the intricate shapes and formations of the ice crystals. The crystal in the attached photo was sticking to a piece of grass and only slightly bigger than a grain of sand.
Equipment: Nikon D810, Tamron 90mm Macro/f:2.8, B+W F-Pro UV MRC filter
Settings on camera: f:16, 1/320 second, ISO 110