Very nice.Looks like a good thinking spot!
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The entrance to the castle in Heidelberg, Germany.
(10 votes)
Heidelberg Schloss
timsphotos | Apr 16, 2007
Views: 665
Dimensions: 563x800
Size: 96kb
Filed Under: Monochrome
Submitted by buttercup (not verified) on April 19, 2007 - 12:16pm
Td or $p, parlez vous francais? Je parlez francais
com ce com sa.I took french for 10 yrs. believe it or not.I usually put together sentances the way I want and not the proper way,I wasn"t in high school enough to learn how to put things together!!!!
Submitted by $tylephoto (not verified) on April 23, 2007 - 9:58am
Je parle un peu. But sadly enough, I was born and raised in a canadian province that was 80% french and I was sheltered in the english 20%. I speak better german. :)
TDMartin, really a great shot and always a great experience to travel using native languages. A little english, spanish, french and german can get you really far all over europe, every corner.