If you're new to Photoshop's Gradient tool the tutorial below is just what you'll need, because you'll learn everything you need to know for putting this technique to use. There's also something valuable for those already familiar with Gradients; namely the two new modes that are important to understand.
Ask a bunch of inexperienced photographers to name the easiest editing task they tackle, and most will likely give you a one-word answer: "Cropping." Yet, as you'll see in this eye-opening video from Landscape Photography University, incorrect cropping can spoil an image forever.
We regularly feature tutorials from Danish pro Mads Peter Iversen who typically avoids discussions of gear, in favor of artistic considerations that will enable you to capture stunning landscape photos in the field with whatever equipment you currently own.
If you consistently capture landscape photos with colors that don't portray the realistic vibrant tones you saw the viewfinder, it's time to make a few changes to your editing workflow. This task may appear dauting at first, until you watch today's quick tutorial Lightroom tutorial from the Focus Photo School YouTube cannel.
The most common goal when editing our landscape photos is to imbue images with vibrant colors and accurate exposures that enhance all the details of a scene. But what do you do when photos you capture look more like a snapshots—either because the light isn't interesting or there's nothing particularly captivating about the scene?
Wouldn't it be great if there were an easier way to auto-select, manage, and identify Layers in Photoshop so that users of all skill levels could take advantage of this powerful post-processing technique? Well, there is, and the new tool is referred to as "Layer Hover Bounds."
Have you ever captured what would be a great photograph, were it not for an abundance of image-killing noise? If so, the following video from the Birdman Photography YouTube channel will help fix the problem thanks to a new Denoise tool in Lightroom.
There's no better way to elevate your skills than by watching an acclaimed pro demonstrate the shooting and image-editing techniques that contribute to his success. In this episode French photographer Serge Ramelli walks you through what he says are, "eight Lightroom tips that will change your life."
OK, landscape shooters, do you really understand the "huge" difference between the Contrast, Clarity, and Texture sliders when processing images in Lightroom? If not, today's video will settle the confusion and enable you to achieve the highest quality photos when editing your work.