Sandy Ritz and Dean Ritz  |  Jan 01, 2006

The history of the Kardon camera is a story of forgotten American genius. The Kardon camera, manufactured in several variations from 1945-'54 represents an important American contribution to the then-state-of-the-art "miniature" camera. And it represents Peter Kardon's patriotic effort to answer to the US military's need for a high-quality 35mm camera...

George Schaub  |  Jan 01, 2006

The compact digital SLR category has seen quite a few entrants of late, all vying for the hearts and minds, and dollars, of those moving up from point-and-shoot digicams or from their film SLR cousins. While those already in possession of compatible glass from their film SLR cameras are usually swayed one way or the other in their purchase, there are those who have no investment...

Maria Piscopo  |  Jan 01, 2006

Judy Host ( only started her business 12 years ago but today you can find her working either in the home of a celebrity creating her award-winning portraits or in Africa documenting conditions in Rwanda and Uganda. By the time you read this, she may be in Ghana and Kenya or traveling to Cape Town, South Africa.

C.A. Boylan  |  Jan 01, 2006

Digital Photography Boot Camp: A Step-By-Step Guide For Professionals; by Kevin Kubota, Amherst Media; 144 pages; $34.95; (ISBN 1-58428-169-3)
Professional photographer Kevin Kubota earned a fine reputation for sharing his technical knowledge as a speaker at major photographic conventions. His easy to understand teaching style and top quality...

Anthony L. Celeste  |  Jan 01, 2006

Auto FX Software's DreamSuite Series One Pro is a set of plug-ins designed to enhance the capabilities of Adobe's Photoshop. DreamSuite contains a total of 18 filters designed for photographers and other digital art professionals. All of the filters in the DreamSuite package use a common interface. As you select different filters from the "Special Effects"...

Rosalind Smith  |  Jan 01, 2006

Alex Webb's world is a vision of color. Each place he visits offers a new and expressive luminance. His joy in color is apparent as he speaks about Latin America, the Caribbean, the particular color note to the brown of Africa in the early morning and late afternoon light and the red tones where the aluminum in the soil brings forth the warm hues of the earth.


Shutterbug Staff  |  Dec 28, 2005

Adobe has released an updated beta version (v3.3, 11/10/05) of their Adobe
Camera Raw plug-in for raw file conversion with a few enhancements. (Compatible
only with Photoshop CS 2 as well as Elements 3.0 and 4.0.) Support for additional
cameras has also been added, including the Canon EOS 5D, EOS 1D Mark II N, Pentax
*ist DL and *ist DS2. A minor fix has also been made to the Adobe DNG converter,
"improved decoding for some camera models". Do note that this is a
beta version, although it appeared to work perfectly in my preliminary tests.
When installing the Camera Raw plug-in, be sure to follow the instructions exactly
as described on the Adobe web site. The download for Mac and Windows is available


Joe Farace  |  Dec 27, 2005

For this retro portrait of Tia, I placed a Westcott Spiderlite
TD5 with five 23wfluoresce...

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 27, 2005

Image Editing With Paint Shop Pro 9

A Software With Its Own Approach And Style

Text And Photography By Jon Sienkiewicz

certain tasks, Paint Shop Pro 9 produces results faster and easier than other
products in its category. For novices, or for those among us who haven't
mastered all ofth...

Text and photography by Ron Leach  |  Dec 27, 2005

Classic portrait lighting isn't always necessary for capturing
interesting peoplepictures.
