Shutterbug Staff  |  Feb 06, 2006

are sad to announce that Carl Koch, inventor of the modular Sinar camera system,
died in late December at the age of 89. This Swiss photographer and inventor
introduced the revolutionary Sinar camera in 1948. Koch's primary motivation
was to offer professional photographers the latest technical refinements. He
was steadfastly successful with the logical implementation of his life's
motto: "What can be done better, shall be done better".

Additional milestones were the automation of the camera with the introduction
of a universal shutter for all lenses, selective exposure metering at the film
plane and the simplification of camera settings.

The education of the new generation of professional photographers was also a
major concern to Koch. He authored a series of textbooks and guidelines for
professional photography, of which Photo Know How'--a self-teaching
course for professional photographers that was translated into many languages
including Chinese and Russian--became a worldwide standard text. To this
day, Koch's principles still guide the philosophy of Sinar, the company
that he founded. The world of professional photography mourns the passing of
one of its great pioneers.


Shutterbug Staff  |  Feb 03, 2006

Apricorn has introduced the high-capacity 60GB EZ Bus Mini to their popular
ultra-portable USB hard drive line. Utilizing 1.8" hard drive technology,
the EZ Bus Mini is bus powered for optimum versatility. The entire EZ Bus Mini
line, now available in 20GB, 40GB and 60GB capacities, features a Hi-Speed USB
2.0, 4200-RPM hard drive. The enclosure includes an integrated USB cable with
a convenient, recessed storage compartment.


Shutterbug Staff  |  Feb 02, 2006

Electronics Inc. recently unveiled the ProMax line of high-performance CompactFlash
memory cards, designed for use with the latest high-resolution digital SLRs.
Boasting a speed rating of 150X, the water- and shock-resistant ProMax CF cards
feature a 30MB/s data transfer speed for rapid file transfers and seamless multimedia


Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Feb 01, 2006

If you live in a part of the world where winter is unkind, you probably spend at least a few days each year shoveling the driveway instead of snapping pictures. Freezing temperatures and blowing snow can keep you housebound for days on end, especially if you're one of us who believes that the only recreational use for ice is chilling a beverage. Well, when life gives you...

Joe Farace  |  Feb 01, 2006

"The mystery isn't in the technique, it's in each of us."
--Harry Callahan

How much does color add to--or take away from--a photograph? Rarely do you get a chance to see a body of work that's identical in color and monochrome but Jorge Tutor (

Steve Bedell  |  Feb 01, 2006

One look at the work of Richard Lohmann and you know you are viewing the work of a very skilled photographic practitioner. But what really has Lohmann excited these days are evolutions in digital technology. A combination of advanced film processing techniques and new ink technology has convinced Lohmann that he can now produce images comparable in quality to platinum prints...

Shutterbug Staff  |  Feb 01, 2006

Walking along the shoreline I found an accumulation of feathers and a tragic death of a beautiful creature. This left me to wonder, how and why. In the water floats one feather that escaped this tragic ending. I took a picture of this lone feather as it floated away. Every time I look at it, I wonder about its ending and the sadness of it all. The demise of this creature lies in...

Barry Tanenbaum  |  Feb 01, 2006

So you wake up one morning and think, you know, what I'd really like to do is start my own photography workshop.

You or me, we hit the snooze button and see what we come up with after 10 more minutes of sleep. But not Steve Gottlieb. A commercial photographer with three books to his credit, Steve had been thinking about workshops. He had a close friend who...

Jack Neubart  |  Feb 01, 2006

Handheld exposure meters have grown increasingly complex over the years. At the same time, they are proving even more utilitarian for a wider range of shooting situations. All of this thanks to microprocessor control. I won't go into the long history of their evolution, but suffice to say that today's high-tech marvels are something else entirely. And the new Sekonic...

Shutterbug Staff  |  Feb 01, 2006

Our Picture This! assignment this month was Outdoor Sports, and readers responded with a host of great shots from a near-Olympic-size field that included baseball, running, biking, and rodeo. Judging from these photos it's clear that readers have their eye on the ball and know how to grab those "peak of the action" shots.

