Digital Help is designed to aid you in getting the most from your digital photography, printing, scanning, and image creation. Each month, David Brooks provides solutions to problems you might encounter with matters such as color calibration and management, digital printer and scanner settings, and working with digital photographic images with many different kinds of cameras and...
I'm going to take you on a trip to the not so long ago past, maybe about the year 2000 BD (Before Digital). Let's watch a photographer from Snap Studio go about his wedding order. First he shoots the job on two cameras, the "big" medium format camera for color and the little 35mm camera for his artsy black and white shots. He's careful to number his...
I have a bunch of prints on the walls and desktops of my studio, and I almost can't believe my eyes. For years I have been stubbornly teaching that image resolution (in pixel dimensions) and physical print size were in lock step, and even scoffed at a camera maker for claiming that their 5-megapixel digicam could produce 20x24 prints. Make a good 13x19 from anything less...
"There is nothing worse than a brilliant image of a fuzzy concept." --Ansel Adams
It could be that the sainted Adams meant a fuzzy image of a brilliant concept, but we'll never know. This month's column looks at using imaging software to blur an image and was inspired by a letter from reader Carol Baker. As a movie buff you gotta know...
"The parade was at night. It was a beautiful evening. There were two to three hundred marchers and New Orleans actress Becky Allen became Queen Katrina, the reigning monarch of the Halloween parade this past October.
"New Orleanians have a way of turning tragedy into humor and some people came dressed as refrigerators. I was overcome with the celebration and...
The line-up of quality 4x6 desktop printers now includes a number of models in the dye sublimation realm. These printers offer computer- or computer-less printing with a host of input options. Smaller than your inkjet, they offer convenience, fast printing, and, increasingly, fairly sophisticated processing options. We recently had the opportunity to work with a new printer from...
The surging popularity of monochromatic images in fine art and graphic design has led photographers and artists to devise their own Photoshop techniques to convert their color images to black and white. Unfortunately, the Photoshop function of Desaturate falls far short in giving the needed control of the monochromatic conversion process. Other Photoshop techniques like...
This look at the history and a few of the better-known early products of Argus Cameras was gleaned primarily from the new book "Argomania: A Look At Argus Cameras And The Company That Made Them" by Henry J. Gambino. As Gambino says, "How many other companies have a museum devoted solely to its history and can also boast of a large, thriving, worldwide collectors...
The decisive moment could be described as the instant when photographer's instinct meets a picture and the shutter is released at the height of that honed perception. The digital decisive moment is now about 5 seconds long. If you happen to see more sports shots of the ball just coming off the bat, or the pass as it just begins to graze the fingertips of a tight end, you...
A dozen or so years ago digital cameras were just becoming a reality, although still pricey and limited in utility. Some of these cameras offered output file format choices that usually included JPEG and sometimes TIFF, and rarely raw. You chose the TIFF option as an option to the lossey JPEG. When the raw option was first offered it was in the standard .RAW format that could be...