The digital camera in your hands provides you with loads of technology. It allows you to bracket automatically in a series of three or even five exposures, depending on model and user settings. But given the limited space on a memory card (notably when shooting raw at high pixel counts), the time spent to shoot all those frames, the limited buffer memory that you might fill up in...
Collapsible light tents of various sizes and configurations have been all the rage of late. The precursor to many of these designs is the sweep table. Now, JTL has brought back this stalwart still life/small product shooting table in high style, adding portability and fairly easy setup.
Conventional sweep tables are usually set up and left in a corner of your studio...
Being a photography instructor is very rewarding and has proved to be an inspiration to me. Teaching Digital Photography at UCLA Extension in Los Angeles, I have found the interaction with students benefited me at least as much as them. But what if someone wants to take your class and is halfway around the world? That is where online teaching comes in and I am lucky enough to have...
It seems that every week brings at least one new paper announcement that promises to change the way we do our printing. Where a few years ago it was common to use only the paper and ink sold by the printer manufacturer, today many photographers are using third-party papers for the wider variety of surfaces and weights available.
At a recent photo trade show in New York numerous paper companies showcased the latest trend in inkjet media--papers that had the look and feel of the best of past silver printing papers. The diversity of weight, base color, and texture are now quite amazing, exceeding anything we ever had in the chemical darkroom. The truth of the matter is that while there are many brands...
Here Is A Quick Tip List On Letters For The HELP! Desk: Please confine yourself to only one question per letter. Both postal letters and e-mails are fine, although we prefer e-mail as the most efficient form of communication. Send your e-mail queries to with Help in the subject header...
Even though I know I look like 30 something (ahem), I've been at this game for some time. But sometimes having all those years of background (I think some people call that experience) comes in mighty handy for putting things in historical perspective. And while 30 years isn't exactly an eon in terms of the history of photography, I guess you could say I've been...
We all know that the professional D-SLR market is dominated by Canon and Nikon. But there are other viable alternatives out there, including the FinePix S5 Pro. It's always good to consider options so, with that in mind, I'm going to give you my impressions garnered from a 30-day field test, including the pros and cons of the camera and some unique features that...
Now that Nikon has entered the "full" or FX-format realm with their new D3 the debate is sure to ensue about what creates the best image quality--so-called DX (or APS-C) sensors or the 35mm-size sensor found in the Nikon D3 and former Canon models and the new Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III, reviewed in this issue. (The D3 review will appear in our May issue.) These...
"Photography is a major force in explaining man to man."--Edward Steichen
Here's a less benign quote about photography from Sean Penn: "I still think photographers should be lashed out at." The ex-Mr. Madonna goes on to say, "They should be put in a cage where you can poke them with a stick for a quarter. But not in a hostile way...