There has been much debate recently about whether a higher megapixel camera
phone could serve as a replacement for a point & shoot digital camera. The
question is--if you carry a point and shot camera for the occasional snap, or
Kevin Kubota has created another set of image enhancement Actions for Adobe
Photoshop. The release of a fourth set of Artistic Tools, available starting
next week, features over 40 new Actions and is now available to the professional
photography community. In addition, this new set of Actions features Kubota
Image Tools' exclusive new Kubota Action Dashboard tool for quick and
easy access to all Kubota Actions.
At a time when world attention is directed toward the turmoil involving China,
Tibet and the upcoming Olympics, it's nice to see some positive news emanating
from Nepal--especially when it involves the photo industry in support of
an effort to raise awareness andmone...
One of the pleasures of this job is getting to work with a wide variety of
cameras, printers and software. While the pace of change can be dizzying, and
complicated, there's no lack of new materials and discoveries to be made.
Unfortunately, the pitfallo...
Phase One A/S and Mamiya Digital Imaging Co., Ltd. today unveiled an open medium
format digital camera platform. Known as the Phase One 645 Camera or the Mamiya
645AFDIII, the co-developed platform will be sold exclusively by Phase One and
The camera platform provides a modular system that offers unprecedented feature
combinations, and most significantly the freedom to choose individual components
from an open platform to best serve their working needs.
Designed to accept all quality digital camera backs, the camera platform is
also open for traditional film operation. It offers the widest choice of high-end
lenses, including the complete Mamiya 645 lens range, the new 28mm aspherical
and D series lenses, as well as Hasselblad V-lenses and Pentacon Six lenses.
It is designed to achieve shutter speeds from 1/4000 sec. to 60 min. The camera
features an ergonomic molded grip and provides direct control of critical camera
settings using manual dials -- both of which are essential elements for the
professional photographer engaged in day-long hand-held shooting sessions.
"Phase One and Mamiya have taken the first step in delivering a unique
approach to designing camera systems," said Henrik Hakonsson, CEO of Phase
One. "We believe that equipment interoperability and personal choice are
integral values in realizing the highest quality imaging results. Furthermore
we have invested heavily in optimizing all elements of the camera systems reliability
to maximize the photographers' time for shooting extraordinary images."
"Mamiya and Phase One are consolidating our expertise and fulfilling our
ambitions to provide the products desired by our customers," said Tsuyoshi
Tsutsumi, CEO of Mamiya Digital Imaging. "We will continue to cooperate
and work hard to ensure that future camera systems are limited only by the imagination
and desires of the artists that use them."
onOne Software, Inc., announces the availability of Essentials 2.1 software for
Adobe Photoshop Elements. This updated version of onOne Software's popular
software suite includes a new version of Enlarge it! and support for Photoshop
Elements 6 for Macintosh. onOne Software's Essentials 2.1 also features
technology from onOne Software's PhotoTune, Mask Pro, PhotoFrame, and Genuine
Fractals software products fine-tuned specifically for Adobe Photoshop Elements.
PhotoShelter Inc. has introduced an entirely new brand system to coincide
with the end of the beta period for its open-but-edited image marketplace, the
PhotoShelter Collection. Since the Collection launched in September 2007, the
Company has made a number of improvements, based on feedback from photographers
and image buyers culled during the beta period. Feature updates include more
intuitive navigation, better lightbox capabilities, batch actions, easier access
to advanced search features, and new user tutorials. With this official launch,
PhotoShelter has also unveiled a new visual identity for its company and brands,
including a redesigned logo and icon created by Cinco Design Office of Portland,
2,000 new photographers and 2,000 new image buyers are joining the PhotoShelter
Collection every month, with over 100,000 new images uploaded monthly from photographers
in 120 countries across the world.
The PhotoShelter Collection opened in beta to photographers in September of
2007 and buyers in November of 2007 during which PhotoShelter actively sought
feedback from members of the community to create the most inspirational and
productive experience possible. Photographers now enjoy greater control during
the upload and editing process and buyers will benefit from more efficient image
searches, easier lightbox creation, and an
Panasonic has announced a new firmware update for its interchangeable LEICA
D SUMMILUX 25mm/ F1.4 ASPH.(L-X025) lens, which is compatible with the Four
Thirds standard digital single-lens reflex (SLR) cameras, including Panasonic's
LUMIX DMC-L10. With the firmware update, the LEICA D SUMMILUX 25mm/ F1.4 ASPH.(L-X025)
adds contrast auto focus (AF) to the single focal length lens, making it more
suitable for taking snapshots and portraits where the photo subject is able
to stand out due to an intentional out-of-focus background.
Panasonic invites all users of LEICA D SUMMILUX 25mm/ F1.4 ASPH.(L-X025) lenses
to download the updated firmware to enjoy this advanced technology that lets
users take high-quality photos with ease and accuracy. Notably, with the use
of the Panasonic LUMIX DMC-L10 digital SLR, this update allows the LEICA D SUMMILUX
25mm/ F1.4 ASPH.(L-X025) lens to take professional-quality portraits as it combines
Panasonic's Face Detection feature with the contrast AF.
Users will be able to download the latest firmware that allows the LEICA D SUMMILUX
25mm/ F1.4 ASPH.(L-X025) lens to take advantage of contrast AF at 4:00 GMT on
March 12, 2008 at the following link:
Hoodman's new patent pending, D-3 HoodCap snaps into place using the
mounting points already built into the Nikon D-3. The D-3 HoodCap is optically
clear, comes with scratch resistant coating and is backed by the Hoodman team.
The D-3 HoodCap retails for $24.99 and protects your LCD screen and allows unobstructed
LCD viewing at all times.
Quantum Turbo SC, C, Z, 2x2 or Turbo Batteries are now compatible either the
Metz 58AF Series (Turbo Flash Cable CM58) or Metz 54MZ Series (Turbo Flash Cable