Want UNIQUE Bird Photos? Use Longer Exposures & These Editing Tips (VIDEO)
We all strive to make photographs that stand out from the crowd, and sometimes that means camera settings and shooting techniques that stray from conventional wisdom. Another way to give images a unique look is to employ unconventional editing techniques to create an eye-catching effect.
In the video below you’ll learn how to do both when making photos of our feathered friends. We typically turn to instructor Matt Kloskowski for straightforward Photoshop and Lightroom tutorials, but in today’s episode he also uses his skills as an accomplished photographer to help take your bird imagery to the next level.
Many accomplished bird photographers use the fastest shutter speeds possible to guarantee sharp results—whether or not their subjects are in flight. That’s because stationary birds tend to be skittish when at rest in a tree or on the ground, and even the slightest bit of wind can ruffle their feathers.
Despite these reasons and others, Kloskowski suggests setting aside standard operating procedure while experimenting with slow shutter speeds to create a style of bird photography all your own. After he walks you through several helpful shooting tips, he demonstrates how to maximize your efforts in Photoshop.
Kloskowski introduces his long-exposure technique by explaining how it can be useful for more than photographing birds and other forms of wildlife photography. As he explains, “You can make the jump to portraits of a person sitting outdoors with cars zooming past in the background, or to a mountain scene on a windy day with quickly flowing clouds in the sky.
Using an image he shot of an egret sitting on a railing, Kloskowski compares images shot at different shutters speeds, and he explains the simple techniques used to get the shots. To make everything easily understandable, he includes gear and exposure information in his captions.
After imparting his image-capture advice, Kloskowski moves on to a few simple Photoshop tips that accentuate the unique look of his photographs.
There’s much more to learn on Kloskowski’s YouTube channel, so be sure and pay a visit after watching the video. And for another jolt of creativity, check out the tutorial we posted recently, with five fun hacks for eye-popping outdoor photos,
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