Tyler Minigyro Camera Stabilizer
The Tyler Minigyro is said to support and stabilize cameras up to 40 lbs in weight. Designed to fit in any size helicopter, the Minigyro is the first Tyler mount that successfully works in cars/trucks, boats, and airplanes. Handheld, zero installation time is required. Some features include: variable position handles, camera quick release mounting plate, adjustable tilt head for shooting up or down and a specially developed shock tube to eliminate vibration. A battery, 24 to 28 Volts DC, is used to spin-up the 4 Brute Gyro wheels and electronics enclosed in the Minigyro.
The Mingyro weighs 21 lbs. and can be assembled or disassembled in under one minute to fit in its 22 lb. carrying case (19” x 23” x 12”). Its compact size allows transport as baggage, which saves time and eliminates shipping costs and delays.
The Mingyro in action can be seen at www.tylermount.com
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