Very nice composition, and great light, it was worth the wait! In my humble opinion, this is the best photo submitted in this category.
Well done,

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This tree stands on an endless prairie-like meadow that is used as grass land for grazing buffalo. Located outside of Westcliffe Colorado, there are miles between any kind of trees. This tree was in full yellow colors of fall, and I took this image on a blustery fall day when the clouds were racing overhead. There we only seconds when the tree was bathed in sun light before the next big cloud put a dark lid on the scene. I must have waited for about an hour before the light was just right for what I wanted: The tree in full sun and the yellow leaves "popping" with color while the immediate background was in the shade of a fat cloud. Perfect contrast but still some definition in those beautiful rolling hills behind the tree. Seconds later is was all dark again
Gear: Nikon D810 with NIKKOR 200-500mm/5.6
Settings: Lens at 290 mm, F:8, 1/1000 sec, ISO 220