These Are 5 Crucial Mistakes to AVOID in Landscape Photography (VIDEO)

Making mistakes as a photographer is not a crime. Not correcting those mistakes, however, can lead to a life of photographic mediocrity.

In the below video, photographer Mads Peter Iversen explains what he feels are five crucial mistakes that you should avoid as a landscape photographer.

"There is so much to learn and so many mistakes to avoid in landscape photography," Iversen says. "All these mistakes are some I have done myself and learned from bitter experience. I talk about composition, getting out, testing your landscape photography before posting to social media, photographing with intention and learning from your mistakes."

Watch Iversen's tutorial below and learn from these five mistakes so you can become a better photographer.

#1 Not Getting Out

#2 Not Learning from Mistakes

#3 Misleading Lines

#4 Not "Testing" Your Photos

#5 Following Trends, Social Media, or Widely Accepted "Truths"

Watch the tutorial and then go visit and subscribe to Iversen's YouTube channel for more photography tips.