Talking Pictures
USS Hornet

Moored at the abandoned Alameda naval base is the USS Hornet aircraft carrier. I decided to explore this floating museum while my wife attended a nearby antiques fair.

Climbing down the steep ladders, I became fascinated by the chambers and hallways, each compartment separated by a sculptural door. As I wandered the empty halls and rooms on my own, with the smell of oil in the air, I felt pulled into the past. This was home for a crew of 3500, most 18-19 years old, many teenagers. I found it hard to imagine how anyone could sacrifice what we take for granted—comforts of home, fresh air, family and friends, individual privacy—to serve on this vessel.

Regardless of why someone would serve on this vessel, seeing this environment commands the utmost respect for those who do.
—Darrell Sano
Oakland, CA

Technical Info: Photos made handheld with a Nikon D300, a 17-55mm f/2.8 lens, and an ISO between 800-1250.
© 2009, Darrell Sano, All Rights Reserved

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The premise of “Talking Pictures” is that every picture has a story. We invite you to send quality prints (only) and a short narrative on why you took the picture or how, in retrospect, it brings up thoughts and feelings about the subject.

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